
Only when it's racist

That behavior would be just as fucked up. Maybe worse, because now they'd just be childish

She was not in the road. Do you really feel you need to lie to make your point?

Only weak idiots use /s. It was not necessary here


Fuck off asshole. Just because these snowflakes have a hard job is no excuse to murder people. 

Fuck off. I have no sympathy for these violent criminals called police. I don't care about their situation. If they can't handle their job to the point where they murder people, they should be in prison.

When I hear about this store, the first thing I think about is my racist GQP Aunt Ann. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. They really should have picked a better name.

Also, Costco treats their employees well and is by all accounts a great place to work. That’s worth a lot in my book.

Get a sous vide machine and stop whining about the mechanically tenderized meat. Based on your post I know you can afford one. They had them at Costco a couple months back!

There is tons of flavor in the liquid that sweats out of meat! I always use the liquid in my sous vide bag to make a salsa or pan sauce or something

>And yes, this is virtue-signaling on the part of Epi.

Who fucking cares. They are doing something good, I don’t give an ass what their reasons are for doing good.

I'm willing to be you actually do need help cooking beef. If you're going to eat it, you owe it to yourself to do it right (with a sous vide reserse sear)

There have been 131 million CASES worldwide. There are “only” 2.85 million deaths so far

Nah I hope the misogynist Connery is fucking burning right now

Oh god the comments on that video are fucking TOXIC

Flying USES the laws of God, it doesn’t defy anything

How surprising, a Jalop commenter defending racism *and* misogyny

Heroin is just a drug. It doesn’t make you a bad or unethical person if you use it. Let's not demonize innocents here please