Did you not read the article you’re commenting on or what, man? Shipping is WAY cheaper than the fines are. You gat get 2 shipped for $66, 4 for $95, or 6 for $115.
Did you not read the article you’re commenting on or what, man? Shipping is WAY cheaper than the fines are. You gat get 2 shipped for $66, 4 for $95, or 6 for $115.
I’ve been trying to make a GF pizza crust for my dad, and I had the same epiphany. GF flour is never going to behave like gluten flour, and I needed to stop trying to force it. I’ve made some good-tasting GF sourdough crust but it's still not where I want it to be
It's a mistake I would make when "researching" a topic while I'm angrily arguing with some rando on reddit
TBF, “Breath of the Wild” sounds like some hippy-dippy natural living website where they would talk about (probably BS) ways to dye your clothes
I didn't expect how much I would miss Haisley's soccer takes.
What kind of mayo are you making that’s so amazing? What oil did you use? What recipe?
What kind of mayo are you making that’s so amazing? What oil did you use? What recipe?
Meh. I think Duke’s is *slightly* better than Hellman’s, but I doubt any of us could tell the difference in a blind taste test.
Stop watching Chefs Club videos on Facebook. None of them are real.
>it was useless because everyone was bragging about the cool stuff they did when they were drunk
I feel that AA is actively harmful to recovery. It’s like everything they do is wrong.
So you're one of the people who literally needs alcohol to have fun. That sounds awful.
It's insane that we're asking grocery store workers to be police now, because the real police are too stupid, lazy, and corrupt to do their jobs.
So autistic people don't spread the virus? You're going to need a citation for such an insane notion.
Is nobody else going to mention the resemblance these robots have to NEPTR from Adventure Time?
What's a Ford bike?
This isn’t limited to fruit snacks. I haven’t seen peach ice cream in over a decade! I mean you can buy it in small “artisian” packages for 10x the price of regular ice cream, but that hardly counts.
Neat how they made a restaurant with no waiters!
*Russian groups
> Apu did have a fling with the Squishee drink rep.