Sunk costs fallacy
Sunk costs fallacy
Which is exactly why these hippo fuckers are claiming that *wearing* a mask is a political statement. Projection as per usual.
It's a cross between a Taurus and a Civic. The world did not need this car to exist.
I just don't get it. I spent my childhood wishing I was an adult. I'm not going to spend my adulthood wishing I was a child.
I hate this tendency people have where it’s taken as a given that anything old is better. Conservative bullshit.
South African sloppy joes
Pizza yeast is just instant yeast with something added that's supposed to make it easier to shape. I don't know if I can notice any difference
> Well, in all fairness, it’s not like the customers who crammed into bars in northern and central Florida wanted to get sick.
That's cheatimg
I’ve lived without indoor plumbing before (sort of, there was plumbing in one building on the ranch I was on). It wasn't nice but it was fine. I cannot imagine living in the mountains in the winter without a wood stove, that would have SUUUUCKED
A dishwasher is a luxury. A washing machine is a necessity.
I make my own because edibles are just too expensive otherwise. Why would I pay $30 for a chocolate bar with $8 of THC in it? I could make my own weed bar at home.
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Use a fork
>Oh and make sure you make yourself sound as smug and superior as possible
Is there any reason you think it couldn't be doubled or halved?
This is the kind of gate keeping I can get behind
Here’s something you apparently didn’t know: COVID is transmitted when you breathe too close to someone. One-way aisles help prevent that from happening.
Aaaaa I’ve been yeast-less for months now!
Its okay to wash it with soap and water. If you don’t trust me, trust Kenji, who knows way more than the writer here.