Mondo Blizzardo

Right. Like Mike Pence climaxes with his wife in the room.

I just imagined Pence screaming that at the moment of climax. I just want you to know I will hate you forever for placing that image in my brain. Even after I am no more, I will still hate you. After dark matter expands space to the point no particle can interact with any other, I will still hate you. When space is

The universe is off its axis when the most effective troller of Trump is the former right-of-center president of Mexico.

Also, we should all follow Vincente Fox on Twitter:

But my checks all say “George Soros”....

Hey, you never went water skiing while disrupting the government at the same time? Slacker.

I like stuff like [eerie music].

There are always captions if you turn on closed captioning. I imagine someone typing frantically cuz there are always hilarious typos.

I didn’t realize all of these tacky stores were owned by the same parent company. No fucking wonder their jewelry is universally ugly.

She’s intimidating as hell. In a good way.

I don’t “get” magic either. I just don’t enjoy it like others do. But my brother in law is supremely talented with cards and sleight of hand. Even if you don’t like it, it’s an impressive skill. From what he’s posted on fb about this, it’s clear this guy was one of his idols and an influence for many.

Go Gabby! Hold their feet to the fire.

You’d think he’d be able to find enough republicans to skew the results. It’s almost as if more people voted for a different candidate.

I guess they do have many things in common. For example, both marijuana and opioids were mentioned in today’s press conference by Sean Spicer.

Absolutely. Why i did not feel that she was being defended while having a person give them a piece of their mind on that plane. She did this. She campaigned for a White Hate President so she must own it. And if you consider her your friend, you must own that as well.

Maybe his wife, Incontinentia Buttocks, could participate too? 

I didn’t participate in that unholy poll but Biggus Dickus did.

This is why I have no problem with - and in fact encourage - private businesses and service providers calling out Ivanka and the rest of the Trumps. If they walk into your establishment, give them a piece of your mind and tell them to fuck off. Let everyone know where he/she shops, works out, eats, drinks, and gets a


The fact that voters are starting to turn on their reps with this kind of passion is very, very interesting. I hope it’s not just a passing phase, but that these people are truly woke.