Mondo Blizzardo

I don’t know if Ryan Seacrest has really done anything horrible to warrant my hatred towards him but part of me is sure he has.

Kanye is fucked up but he isn’t talentless.

“like a poisonous snake that warns you away with bright colors”

If he did that, I’d be afraid that China might set up us the bomb. :O

my son has this toy. this was also the first thing i tried

This reminds me of a talking caterpillar toy that belonged to my much younger sibling that me and my older sibling would play with because we were immature as hell. When you pushed the legs of the toy, they would each sound out a different letter of the alphabet. Being stupid pre-teens, my brother and I would always

I hear “hurt me”.. which is frankly disturbing if no one else hears it.

No. Not everyone laughs. The ass-grabbing was unwelcome. Tom didn’t seem to give a shit.

Same but I broke ours with a tiny snide comment during Christmas shopping. My husband was acting all sorts of huffy about carrying something large through the store so I said “oh just give it to me you big baby.” And I took it and carried it. He grabbed my arm (that’s how you get a deaf persons attention when they are

Ah, a fellow Canadian. Did you also angry whisper through most of it because you weren’t exactly sure how sound proof the walls really were and didn’t want to disturb your neighbors?

I’m waiting for him to tell China that all their base in the South China Sea are belong to us.

My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression

When I cut off my long hair to go back to my beloved pixie, I got the did you do it for charity? A statement? Did you just go through a break up? Yeah, here’s my statement: I’m lazy, I like to sleep late, and I never figured out how to do anything with long hair other than a ponytail or bun. Oh yeah, and I rock a

When I was in middle school a male ‘friend’ was being really mean to my (then and current) bestie. I had just arrived on scene as he was giving her some serious lip. He’d been kinda nasty to her before and she was just fucking done with his verbal bullying. So she gave him a swift kick to the groin. He dropped to the

I am experimental with makeup in the way you describe - huge cat eyes, neon eyeshadow, bold dark, lilac, blue or red lip - and yes when you wear something avante garde, it’s always men who publically shit on your aesthetic choices. Usually women are inspired by it, unless they are very conservative (and generally


Personally, I would take being kicked or punched in the crotch every now and then in exchange for having more rights over my own body, getting paid more than men, and being less likely to be raped.

We should have hacked Putins Netflix account and four starred a bunch of shitty Van Wilder movies to fuck up his reccomendations.

You just don’t do that to a guy. Ever.