
Drinks with alcohol, you say? ::everybody’s ears perk up::

Just throw a leaf of kale into whatever you’re making and it’s HEALTHY :P


Blending soups.


Mousse? Not sure if it would work, but chocolate mousse is amazing. You could use the Nutribullet to whip egg whites!

SOUP! (And the only non-lumpyass gravy I have ever produced, but that was a clear last ditch “oh well fuck...I guess I’ve tried everything else” effort.) And sauces. Like the really, really awesome white sauce base I use when making chicken pot pie? It comes together SO FAST in the Nutribullet. And salad dressings.

Are you me? Been making cocktails in that thing all through the holidays.

Makes great salsa.

i used that thing all last week to whip cream for desserts and it was magical. like, 10 seconds to lift-off magical. and i usually reserve that description for the purely salacious.

But thinking is so haaard

Let’s be clear, though. The only reason we Jews aren’t still sacrificing animals is because the Temple hasn’t been rebuilt.

LOLWUT? You know Leviticus is the book many Christians love to use to condemn homosexuality....right?

Off to watch Pleasantville...

That movie is fantastic. Great book too... highly recommend.

“Japan and South Korea are now entering a new era,” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said to reporters after calling South Korean President Park Geun-hye to personally apologize. “We should not drag this problem into the next generation.”

Fucking love that movie.

Kids all have their own personalities. They did not acknowledge his flaws and work with them. We call our oldest Veruca. But we work with him, and he's made a lot of progress.

Sela. Fiery. Clearly damaged. Blond half-Romulan. Ugh - I want to save her. Through lovin’. ;)

Yes! I love my partner very dearly but sometimes I relish in him leaving the house and then I invite my girls over. My partner is not interested in new face products or trashy “docuseries” (I’m looking at you, Lindsay) or copious amounts of wine and cheese.