My DM never taught me any real spells when I got my wizard to level 8. I feel cheated. D&D is less cool than Jack Chick led me to believe.
My DM never taught me any real spells when I got my wizard to level 8. I feel cheated. D&D is less cool than Jack Chick led me to believe.
From what I hear. I wasn’t alive or living in Pittsburgh, but you couldn’t walk around a street corner without finding an orphaned baby cutting up a brick of cocaine.
We have a clueless idiot for a president, at this point i would take president Comacho.
Christina has more vocal fry than anyone else on television.
My inner raging feminist feels the need to point out here that marrying Donald doesn’t mean she owes us four years of unpaid labor as America’s hostess.
It doesn’t look like anything to me.
Just more street cred for the Notorius RGB.
Yes, I know what you mean. The first time I had sex I was with someone I loved and trusted and I was into it but I was shocked by how invasive it was. It took a couple of tries to get used to the sensation and to enjoy it and to notice my own power in controlling my boyfriend’s pleasure and my own.
I’d be more…
I’m not arguing any of those things, which is why I said it doesn’t inform my entire experience as a woman. I don’t think any single experience can, which is what I think you’re getting at with your post. Treating any perspective as THE thing that defines what it means to be a member of such a large and wide-ranging…
Talk about Koreshing my hopes and dreams, amirite?
a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost…
Divorced people accepting and being kind to each other for the sake of their kids always gives me hope. This is a very good story.
When you’re a star they let you do it. Cut them in line. You can do anything.
I bet Kellyanne has her carry-on packed and in a corner with a ticket to Bali burning a hole in her pocket.
“Different viewpoints need to be respected,” he continued, before explaining that the Republican presidential candidate’s positions have been misinterpreted. “When Trump says he wants to ban Muslims, he doesn’t really mean that. That’s never going to happen. What he really means is he wants extreme vetting.”
So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life: