Well sure, they made up the romance and the thing with the big fat diamond, but it was based on a true story!
Well sure, they made up the romance and the thing with the big fat diamond, but it was based on a true story!
There was room on that door. Face it, she was done having her fun with Jack.
follow up:
The folks who wrote this spot haven’t been to a science fair since they were kids.
moderator: well this is my job and i can do math and you are wrong so please explain in more detail
one centimeter at a time
was dating.
Don’t think her ex is cray - he just seems like a dad who won’t bow down and exit his daughter’s life, which enrages her. Narcissistic reaction: ‘You WILL do as I say!’
Yeah. That’s exactly what the cop should do. Like fucking exactly.
yeah youre right
I mean...no. People aren’t agreeing on this key tenet. They’re not. Personally I think a lot (not ALL) girls maturely more quickly than some boys because society throw a lot more expectations at them at a younger age, in terms of behaviour and appearance and social etiquette. That doesn’t change the fact that I know…
No it is not true. It’s something you’re very committed to espousing to justify men preying on children for sex. You chanting “girls are three years more mature than boys” doesn’t make it a fact. It makes you transparent.
I say that since we’re in the age of coed schooling and pretty age tracked development, we assume that most 13 year old girls and boys are at about the same place with respect to their psycho-sexual development. That’s what sexual health educators seem to do, so I’m going to take my cues from them.
14 year old girls aren’t women, they’re children. So it doesn’t matter how much faster women mature than men.
I'm just going to come right out and say it —- no fourteen year old should date a seventeen year old. And we should discontinue the assertion that girls are more mature than boys. It justifies nothing.
Lost my virginity to a 17/18 year old when I was 14 and I really struggle with the fact that although I know it was statutory rape, I would not call myself a victim of rape*.
What 26-year-old man other than a sexual abuser and/or rapist would be even remotely interested in a 14-year-old child? That’s something I will never understand.
We were playing hide and seek and things just really got out of hand.
I heart you for peeping Ginny!