
I know it’s beside the point but I do kind of like that these people’s understanding of what bombs look like seems to begin and end with Roadrunner cartoons.

like, i’m so glad this is happening but....i would rather he just got an a on his good work and not arrested.

THANK YOU! I looked at that collection and thought I was in some sort of dystopian, totalitarian novel!

It’s a good thing she’s not black because they would have jumped on her, tased her and put her in a chokehold by now.

You speak the language of my soul.

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

Draw me like one of your French girls.

“Down to fuck.” You’re welcome, Mom. :p

Well, I know it’s going to be easy to criticize this guy and everything he did but, in fairness, I think he did a great job directing Argo.

Her sentence doesn’t allow her to be in contact with minors other than her own. Including her own would be better.

We’re coming home along the Thruway and decide to stop at McD’s. There’s a woman and smallish kid in front of us getting huffy and I can tell this won’t end well. And in due time she starts yelling at the cashier, “Why is everything more expensive here? This is ridiculous! You’re ripping people off!” and so on, as the

If I had my period, I would just lay down with a book and some high-fat food instead of running a marathon. Oh, wait, that’s every day.

I love my kid but by god, if I was rolling in disposable income I would get a nanny first thing.

I met my husband when both of our daughters were nine years old. We dated for several years before we got married. If he had started sleeping with my daughter 10 years later after me giving birth to his child....y’all....Y’ALL....just put some money on my books at the commissary. I’d have been in jail.

Like, whatever I guess, they’ve been married for 20 years and obviously this dynamic works for them. It makes me knee-jerk grossed out to read these comments now, but there are a million kinks and relationship types and preferences I will never understand, nor do I need to.

Every fucking thing about this gave me the full body spasms of horror.

If she only she had... some sisters or friends ... or part of a club or group of woman who could have done her a solid and maybe dropped the baby off for her....

The rule for screaming children is simple, quit stuffing your face, get your lazy ass up and take them outside, to the car or pay your bill and leave. Spare us the, you don’t know how hard it is to be a mom bullsh*t, because I do; which is precisely the reason I have zero children. Parents like pet owners need to

I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old. I get a lot of food to go. If we have decided to eat out, it’s only when both my husband and I can be there, and usually only for lunch as we’re less likely to have meltdowns. The agreement is if one child starts to cry or loudly misbehave, one of us takes the offender outside to