
Yeah, like, did someone call and then the cops just waited out of sight without checking on the kids so they’d have a better chance of busting the mother? “Black kids? You know what that means! We’re arresting a black lady! *high fives**hides behind food court plants*”

I have no idea how my son has made it to the ripe old age of 16 since there were times in his life when he wasn’t physically touching me or tethered to me with a leash. OMG I’m such a terrible mother.

Don't get saucy with me, Bernaise.

I’m 54 - so right there WRT age. I was date raped in 1975 - I was 15. We didn’t have the words then to describe what happened to us. It’s unfair to ascribe current thinking to a 40 year old situation. They were children in a situation they didn’t know how to process.

I have literally no idea who these people are or why they keep smelling their fingers or why this woman abuses eyebrow pencil so badly.

You know what else encourages sexual activity amongst young people?

I recently got an implant. Does anyone need my old case?

He also has to be a duke with improbable coloring, eyes that are piercing, and needs to be a “rake” (a literal garden tool would be a great twist on this).

If I weren’t so lazy, I would write a stepbrother, billionaire, shapeshifter (who is also inexplicably part of a motorcycle club) romance with some light bondage thrown in of course and I would make some money because then I would hit all the trends at once.

I don’t get this reasoning. Ultimately the decision of who to invite is up to the people hosting the event. This goes for any type of occasion wherein invitations are issued. It’s not super shitty, and it’s not in any way the business of anyone else as to why or why not someone made the cut.

Don’t laugh at the stock photo of that child. My own daughter was recently diagnosed with shutterstock. She has watermarks all over her face and body, and she refuses to go outdoors.

Peas in guacamole? I don’t even like peas in my peas.

I know Caitlyn Jenner is out more and more because of her show most likely... but man does she look happy and joyful. I can’t find any fault with that. Bruce was sullen and quiet and Caitlyn is glee.

Hi. We did.

silly supreme court

I’m going to go with “losers” and a side of Vaguely Threatened Lawsuit plus “all other NBC shows are bad anyway”

It was like a brain puzzle for me! like he had features of RS but all jumbled together. AMAZING

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

Wow. It’s almost like abstinence-only education doesn’t actually work. Who knew?