
He’s only better than you in the monster penis department.

She was hitting on you, wasn’t she?

One Million Moms would be a perfect name for our lesbian feminist knitting circle. (I assume those of us who started out straight or bi turned lesbian after watching that commercial.)

Does it matter because I’d still fuck him. (But I’m 5’1, though)

I am 5’5.5. Kit’s eyes are flush with mine although he is leaning slightly. I’d say 5’6 and not a half-inch taller. (P.S. He is a genuine and lovely fellow. Also, he smells really good.)

The female dinosaurs who talk to each other seem to be talking about eating men. So I think that’s a no on the Bechdel test but still feminist.

Is it the same cut off for saying “fuckton” because I use fuckton a metric fuckton

Tormund is hot.

Ha! I rewatched “Hardhome” last night after this episode because I was so upset about Shireen, confused about Dorne and excited about Drogon and annoyed by Dany. Also, Jorah HAS GOT TO FUCKING DIE ALREADY.

I love Jorah. More Jorah.

From the looks of those boobs very few are "The Real Thing."

I get the feeling the only people using the gay bathrooms would be “straight” guys trying to score on the DL... like some state senators, maybe. And then they’d be super bummed when all the gay people are just peeing and the only people DTF are their fellow senators.

Yes please. I use regular bathrooms and it tends to be full of politicians on the down-low tapping my shoes. I’d like somewhere to just take a gay pee in peace.

You’re supposed to hold it

Someone mentioned Rene Russo and I see it.

You. I like you.

I have appetite problems and it is great to look on there to get hungry. Then I just make instant ramen noodles or something :(