
TwitterAudit Says 67 Million of Katy Perry’s Followers Are Fake

For those who think it should be defunded, it’s simple. Watch children’s programming. Nobody gives a shit about educating young kids like pbs. There just isn’t any money in it. I’d rather have one less submarine, and keep pbs.

I normally detest greek yogurt, but the Chobani Flips with almond and chocolate are my jammmmmmmm.

I think it’s time we acknowledge that Trump is good at this. That speech is a perfect dog whistle. But he never outright says it. The media is putting words in his mouth if they claim he said Jews did this to themselves. He gets so easily dismissed as an idiot. And in some ways he is. But he’s good at this part. He

I think that’s because one of the real complexities of this issue is that there is some anti-semitism tied up in the anti-Israel movement. The problem with that, other than anti-semitism generally being bad, is that whatever percentage of it you want to peg it at does tend to delegitimize the valid points contained

It’s not even that. Despite all the claims of wanting moderate politics on Israel-Palestine the idea of a middle ground is apparently a no-no.

Star this one if you say gif with a “g.”

Did they also use tomatoes instead of ping pong balls

I read way too many of these (up until “foxhead garlands”) before realizing this was satire.

I have two theories

Idk why did all my christian friends plead for my leftover matzah after passover?

They do that at fragrance counters as well. And when you work at one, Trust me, You need it.

i’m really struggling to put this into terms that i truly understand, any help would be appreciated.

I never thought election results could make me cry and feel like I’m at a funeral. That’s how I feel right now, as if someone dear to me has died.

It’ll never end, but Deadspin is sleeping on the couch for awhile.


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“If you know that someone else is handling the dishes, you’re less motivated to clean as you go and use as few dishes as possible.”

I wanna wear a pantsuit to the polls!

A teacher who’s class that particular student transferred out from in the third week of semester one. “Well sure I’ll sign your yearbook! Now how is it your name is spelled again?”