
Nope. I recently flew in a maxi dress once and a maxi skirt once. (I was thinking oh, portable blanket). Both times I had to get patted down between my legs. I was not ok with having to deal with that and hold a baby and make sure the bigger kid doesnt wander off and worry about collecting all my stuff at the end of

I got cute “mid waist” (meaning, hits my belly button but not above my belly button) bikinis from modcloth (“beach blanket bingo” black with cherries) and swimsuitsforall (cute rainbow leopard spots - sign up for their mailing list and get the coupons). I’ve learned that real “high waist” is like an inch under your

I feel like this was an article where I needed to jump STRAIGHT to the comments. :)

I actually lol’ed at this. Thank you.

YES. My husband is an ametuer photographer with a fancy camera (doesnt post on instagram though and thinks its stupid that I do) and while I’m happy he has finally found a hobby that he loves, it’s also so fucking annoying. I want to scream “HELLO?? CAN YOU ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL MOMENT WITH **ME**?”.

“No swimming” means a lot of things. If you are not from Florida, “no swimming” rarely means “Dont even wade into the water because there are literally baby-eating monsters in here”

I love Joico everything. They make really high quality unnatural colors (blues, violets, greens, etc) that wash out clean but stay vibrant for a long time with proper after-care.

My 5 year old starts Kindergarten in the fall. We live in a city with many public schools. There’s a lot of opinions from other parents about which schools are “good” and which schools are “bad” that aren’t really based on concrete metrics. It feels based in racism and is really uncomfortable (Like, “I dont want to go

I know I’m like 3 days late on this but FOR REAL. I dated a guy who lived at home when I was in my late 20s and overnight visits were SUPER AWKWARD. His bedroom was right off the fucking kitchen and he was all “no big deal” about it. But YES. YES, its a big deal. I dont want to deal with a guys roommates, nevermind

I don’t get it. I moved out at 19. I dont have a bad relationship with my parents, I just needed to get out of there. I lived in shitty places and at times living paycheck to paycheck with 2 jobs but I did NOT want to live with my parents even if it would have saved me money to do so. I also didn’t do well with

this. a million times this.

I was much younger at the time, and just thought it was “how things were” but at my first software job, every time someone said something completely sexually inappropriate, they’d look at me (the only woman that was not in sales or marketing in the whole company) and be like watch out, she could put that in her

My 5 year old daughter (who likes the original movie) is SO SO SO excited about this. “DID YOU KNOW GHOSTBUSTERS ARE GIRLS TOO??” I don’t even care if its good (thats a lie, im excited about it too). but I hope *she* likes it.

I have been taking lamictal for 6 years as a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder. I love it. Life changing. My psychiatrist (whose expertise is treating women in various reproductive stages- pregnancy, postpartum etc) and ob have stressed that it’s not that lamictal changes the absorption of the birth control

From one of the articles:

We’re an interfaith family (im from a jewish/christian home but identify as jewish and my husband is from a catholic upbringing). I struggled with this as an idea before my kids were born.

Women who advocate for midwives make a point to say midwives are great for “uncomplicated” pregnancies, but how to you know your pregnancy is “uncomplicated” if you refuse things like ultrasounds? It sounds like a lot of standard tests are optional- how do they test for gestational diabetes? I’ve heard of things that

I have the flannel and I love them. :) worth it.

I really dislike the tone/title of this. I think its a stretch to say the underlying problem in this case is paid family leave. I get it. She wanted more than 3 months (3 months of paid leave is really damn good by the way).