
ugh I just wrote a letter to Charlie Baker and I’m going to ask all my fb friends to do the same.

My favorite is the “My doctors says I could smile before I was born”. That first non-pooping smile takes months and is such a wonderful, satisfying development. Babies are not born smiling.

For the first 4 or 5 months, a baby is just luggage. You can bring her everywhere, just keep her fed and clean. After than point and until about 3 or 4 years old, she requires a lot more focus and attention. She cries for other reasons. She makes lots of other loud noises. She can get into trouble and get hurt. This

I wish I could play it cool, but my 4 year old only announces “MOM, THERE IS BLOOD ON YOUR UNDERWEAR AND IN THE TOILET!!!” when we are in a public rest room. “It’s just a period. It’s not a boo-boo. I’m ok. Ask me later” but then I forget, she forgets and teaching moment is lost, I guess? It’s an improvement over when

My mom, who is Jewish, says “lot-key”. It hurts my head. :)