
Sorry but I don’t read fake news or Faux News. Oops I guess there the same thing.

Which one?

Except that’s kind of a minimalist view of the world right? Animals don’t have to suffer and shame on your husband for slaughtering innocent pigs. I bet they are so scared when they are running away from your husband in his overalls all sweaty carrying a machine gun. It’s like a nightmare!

Thanks. I find healthy living very interesting and fun.

Exactly. No matter how badly Trump wants to bury this story bury it he never will. The truth is out there. Thank you Buzzfeed.

Ehhh I felt the same way until I realized that yes you can get all of your protein needs from plants. Animals are the lazy person’s way out for protein. Some people are literally bloodthirsty. Disgusting.

^fake news

Our new president pays Russian prostitutes to pee upon his head and face. In return he let’s Russia hack Vermont’s electrical grid. Our new president also paid Putin to hack into the DNC and plant evidence to use against Hillary. Our new president had a private server in his house, similar to the allegations

If you are one of those tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists that never trusts anything the news or Obama says than all the citations in the world aren’t going to change your mind. Sorry, but you believe fake news.

Ok, where is the actual evidence? Well the CIA stands behind it and so does the FBI. Obama even mentioned it last night in his farewell address to Chicago. Beyond that a lot of it is well-documented history including video tape and phone call recording and other things the CIA has access to.

So, Buzzfeed uses truth to power and that’s a bad thing? The stuff in the 25 page report was true and it was all verified by the CIA and independent analysis. A lot of it is actually on video. But now reporters shame buzzfeed for being brave enough to voice concern in an uncertain world?

We are literally the American soldiers that liberated Dachau. That’s us. Right now.

CNN is the best cable news programming on television right now. They’ve been nailing it lately so Trump is picking the wrong news to pick on like a total idiot. It’s about to blow up in his face. Just last night CNN released a report that Trump had people pee on him. So gross.

Both of my great grandfathers died fighting the Nazis and if I have to do the same then so be it. Time for real men to stand up to Hitler. I’m ready to be a hero. Are you?

Actually Obama did a great job with the midterms. They would have been way worse if it was anyone else.

Seriously? Obama doesn’t have a PR company. Does he?

Lazy Dems? How dare you, really. Dems are some of the most energetic people I know. They go out there and do it, every day. Hey, I’m all for critical discussion or whatever but when you bring charges like this you better have the pastrami, Bucko.

Which one?

And there we have it folks. The first victim of Trump’s presidency.

Totally. It’s like the GOP has gone way off the reservation... No pun intended.