
“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

This dumb fuck is the son of a cuban citizen who obtained political asylum here in the states, you would think of ALL people he would be a bit more sensitive to needs to immigrants. He is the worst kind of human trash, a rat faced hypocrite.

Planning to breastfeed, if I can, after I deliver in April. If anyone anywhere wants to give me stink eye, I intend to engage in unbroken eye contact until they give up and slink away like a little bitch ;P

I usually try to lay off Clinton while commenting here (this is a new burner,) but this audio of her laughing about the tricks she used to get a likely child rapist off the hook has really soured me on her. I used to be fine with the idea of voting for her if Bernie didn’t get the nomination; now, I really can’t

We’ve already established that DWS is a dumb and bad person so it’s unsurprising that she holds additional dumb and bad opinions we didn’t know about until now.

Dear DNC: maybe you should get rid of her.

I read that the CP he was in possession of was of children under the age of 10/ of prepubescent children. I think this should warrant life in prison. And my truthful opinion- as the mother of a 4 year old little girl- possibly a firing squad.

I know I’m going to get flamed for saying this, but here goes: they look alike because they probably have the same plastic surgeon.

Some white people think THEY are fine, it’s the rest of humanity that is terrible. Then there are those like me who think 95% of humanity are grotesque monsters, regardless of race, and that we should go extinct as a favor to the planet and the other species that live on it.

Fellow commenters, you seem disappointed that she didn’t die, as if her dying would keep things fair. Obviously we prefer no one to die, instead of people dying in equal proportions, right?

9/10 times animals are better than humans.

I understand the larger point you’re trying to make...but I have to ask...

Raised strict Catholic. Had the value of prayer drummed into me for as long as I can remember. And I recall one day, stopping in the middle of my prayers, realising that nothing in the world would change unless I acted. Prayer is useless, selfish gesture that makes people believe they are doing good without having to

Every mother’s day, I think about mom, and why I “broke up” with her. It serves as an affirmation. This is the post someone would write if they could read my mind on mother’s day. This is similar to the post I would write if I was inclined to put down my thoughts on the matter, but the internet is sentimental. I know,