
Congratulations! It’s rather difficult to keep it long if you work full time, if you don’t have your own office to pump it could be tricky I was suggested I could pump in the bathroom which kinda angered me, later we decided we could afford for me to stay home which I know is such a privilege to do. But I love

My baby is two and I still breastfeed her. Not in public anymore that stopped when she was about a year old. She is very healthy, smart, calm and for me emotionally has been good to breastfeed her this long.

Fuck! before I didn’t like her but now fuck.

Why isn’t Bernie a legitimate contender?

As much as we can hope for that scenario I have a feeling it won’t happen... Btw miss chanandler bong! NICE

What happens to the in between? brown people.

well, my dog chewed my engagement ring like destroyed chewed style where it wasn't salvageable anymore! but I did manage to find the diamond in the yard. No one should put that much weight into what happens to a piece of jewelry.

Donald Trump and his use of the word stamina is blah.