Mo Mos Mo Problems

At least the wife had some personality to her. Robert Downey Jr. Sr.'s character was just… not there. I couldn't quite tell if it was the character, the actor, or both, that felt so blank.

People were cheering and clapping during the movie? Weird.

My mind went nowhere near toys, so I completely blanked on that question. But I was furiously shouting QUAYLE! and GERRY! and other things that, just like m0nit0rman, I can't remember.

I get the feeling we heard the blazes ones from Yosemite Sam at some point or another.

Also, I assume that, this being J6, the other options were "crayons", "Luxembourg", and "A fluffy kitten".

Did you consult "Mr. Muttonchop's Old-Timey Thesaurus & Reference Booke" for those?

No, that is wrong. peepingtomskerrit is correct.

$400: "likely fraudulent elections", $800: "noted for his abrupt changes of mood", and don't forget $2000: "fomented prejudice against migrants".

I am a lot fuzzier on this than the rest of those Big Star memories, but I think I started listening to some recording that the iTunes notes called "half genius, half drug-fueled disaster", or something to that effect. All I remember is it sounded nothing like the poppy Thirteen or September Girls.

That might be the best idea I have ever heard.

She reminded me of anyone who is nervous and overcompensating a little in trying to act and sound confident. Of course, if I ever make it to Jeopardy (make yourselves comfortable for that wait), God knows what kind of wreck I'd be on that stage.

I had never heard of Big Star until earlier this year, when I was going through one of those much-derided Rolling Stones lists, which listed Thirteen as one of the 500 greatest songs. I keep meaning to listen to more of their stuff, but then I also keep forgetting. But the name Alex Chilton stayed with me because

Huh, I had never heard of that, and I thought Trebek sounding so shocked that they missed it was because he dines on pheasant, oysters and truffles every night, just like everyone else, right? I guess I shouldn't make assumptions about presumably rich people…

You can bring Core Concept. He looks like he has some World's Deadliest Spy moves. Or he can put them down with one bon mot.

It is, but it was very annoying today because that takes time and they had less than a minute left in the round.

Sure, but in the real world parents have an inkling when their kids are very good at certain things, having raised them, and having been to a lot of parent-teacher conferences. So the "oh no, the teacher wants to talk to us, what has our child done?" thing is TV drama for the sake of drama. Now, in the world of The

Isn't that something of a trope by now? The parents all worried that they are getting called to meet with the principal/teacher, just to find out that it's because the kid is a whiz? Maybe it's because it just happened on This Is Us this season, but I have a nagging feeling that I have seen that happen many times

I always thought it was Aeolus.

Oh, and can I throw a belated "yeah, right, Alex" for his saying yesterday that if a Rebecca won the Tournament of Champions she would have made more money than her Nobel Prize-winning grandfather? I mean, they are variable, they may have to share, and apparently most winners donate them to charity, but still, the

Adam, unless the airline lost your suitcase, there's no excuse for wearing a T-shirt under a half zip for your appearance on Jeopardy. Ever.