Mo Mos Mo Problems

Walter White, is that you?

A double bill of His Girl Friday and Arsenic and Old Lace. I was used to Cary Grant as a charming but tiny TV presence. Seeing him in all his big-screen glory as the 1940s audiences did? Damn.

I think you mean a descendant of Jesus, not an ancestor.

Forget that, I'm scratching my head at having a boat named for a flower that hadn't been named yet.

I could only think of Hopkins and Nixon, so that's what I would have written if I had been a contestant, but I wasn't completely certain of it because I couldn't think of what the second president he played would have been.

I couldn't come up with the answer, and my temptation would have been to write "What is Kilt In The Wind?" (No, I'm not proud).

As Victoria Waterfield pointed out, Ira wrote lyrics. Did he also compose? I thought accepting Strauss alone was far more egregious, since there are two Johanns and a Richard.

Oh, I can give you a few more: the crappy prose with its incontinent use of exclamation points! and ellipses…; the insufferable characters; the repetitive, nonstop preachiness, and always, always, this paragraph from an author who was knowingly married to a child molester and has since been accused of abuse by her

Two things: if you use regular green bell peppers, the gazpacho will tend to come out bitter and sharp. It's best to use mild long green peppers or, in the absence of those, even a red bell pepper is better than green. And in no way, shape, or form is smoked paprika "essential" to traditional gazpacho. Add it if

That giant steaming pile of crap The Mists of Avalon has one with Guinevere, Lancelot and Arthur.

Freedom Bars are people! PEEEEEEEOOOOOPPPPPLE! (Too over the top? What's a good approximation of Charlton Heston in all caps?)

Well, it is one of the foundations of Western civilization (or lack thereof). I didn't do so well with the category, but I was really wondering if they had chosen the clue values by throwing them up in the air and seeing where they landed. Sodom and Gomorrah should have been lower in the board, and that DD about

To me it felt like, by the second or third game, he thought that those small wagers were his "unique" thing, like Buzzy with his shoulder dusting or that other guy who used to stare creepily at the camera and only smile at the end. It wasn't. It was really, really annoying.

They've been stuck under a dome this whole time. They just can't tell because they can't see it through the mist that's filling the dome.

Wow, thank you for explaining what "four years younger" means. You are awesome, how could I live without you? I think the true questions really was: how freakin' old did you think The Godfather is, that you thought that the (four-year only) discrepancy was so unforgivable?

According to IMDB, she is only four years younger than The Godfather, and sometimes actresses shave years off their real age (I'm not saying that's necessarily so in this case) so it's bad because there is no connection between her and that movie, but not because the ages are so far off.

I took it as one of those semi-supernatural Fargo things, just like electronic things not recognizing Gloria until after Winnie hugs her, or the bowling alley with Ray the kitten that happened to be in the middle of nowhere. His car stopped so that the confrontation could happen. Once it happened, he was free to go.

Really? Only sheltered girls get roofied and raped? Are you blaming the parents now?

I just watched the old It recently. It was pretty, pretty terrible.

I wouldn't call his character on The Ladykillers exactly "nice", either. Genial? Sure.