Mo Mos Mo Problems

I did too, luckily, the whole game is already up at j-archive, and we have Jay S. and the rest of the gang who didn't have to suffer the jackass for the analysis and color commentary.

I got it because I started by trying to think of famous Maryland landmarks (none came to mind), and then thinking of Shangri-La, which to me implies haven or retreat, and then thinking of a little boy. At first I could only think of Peter Pan, but then somehow I remembered that Camp David was named after some

Even the one guy who, when prompted by the first producer to move to the microphone, mutters "no, no" because he's already seen the envelope, but then decides to give his acceptance speech anyway and cap it with a "we didn't win, by the way". I guess he figured he might never get the chance to speak on the Oscar

I hope you're right. I like the show in a Grimm-like "this may not be qualité TV, but it's really fun TV", so it would be fitting if it inherited Grimm's time slot.

Let's hope it's a vacation, rather than what you said, or sickness, or a family emergency, or any of the many nasty things that can keep people away from work.

I don't know. This is a show about magic and a magical world with weird rules. We don't know what they are for the offspring of the High King. They can make up the craziest stuff they want. I am looking forward to finding out.

I just really hope they don't go the "super-accelerated pregnancy and baby growth rate" route. That is such a lazy cliché by now.

I went with 1860, because I figured Lincoln was the rail splitter. I failed on the other half of it. I wonder what made two of the contestants pick 1876. I looked up that election, and Hayes and Tilden were both lawyers.

Aha, thanks! I appreciate the explanation.

(The sound of that reference as it sailed over my head. I'm afraid I need it explained, even after looking it up.)

I thought I heard Mohan say Zoda and Zouda. What I didn't hear him say was Zelda.

But they are still mad at Berkeley, right?

After telling myself "I should check that one out" for 12 years, The Mick finally gave me the push to DVR it. And then I found that it isn't one of those shows where you need to watch from season 1 or you're lost, so I kept watching.

Any comment about contestants not having watched the show before will always remind me of that guy recently who, on getting a daily double, kept hitting the buzzer instead of answering the question.

Because she either killed her or got her killed (I can't remember), and if Diana catches a psychic whiff of that, Julievette is toast?

I thought so at first, but the players who were bouncing all over the place this week still bounced all over the place even after finding all the DDs, or they went for top-row clues, which hardly ever hold the DDs, when there were more likely bottom-row clues available. Whatever reason they do that for, it's very

Excuse me, but according to a recent Jeopardy contestant, that would be Vikund Quiznos.

I got briefly hung up on The Wizard of Oz because of the green/slippers references in the clue, but the moment I noticed Atlanta was part of it, some crusted-over part of my brain remembered something-something Scarlett's green eyes something in the book. But I can see GWTW being an easily overlooked gap in a young

Between the unaddressed but very clear "Their eyes are watching God", her missing the easy DDs and the easy FJ in what seems to be a heartbreaker for the other contestant (a power outage kept me from watching this one), and the fact that I couldn't care less that she's cute, I'm not part of that fan base. Like, at

You forgot to add that it's also the parallel earth where Quizno's was a Norwegian nazi collaborator, and Kenan and Kel escaped from Guantanamo Bay.