Mo Mos Mo Problems

Procter & Gamble? Johnson & Johnson? Burl & Ives? (OK, maybe not this last one…)

Yes, I also rewound several times, and she clearly said "are". The closed captioning, which is always nice and accurate in Jeopardy, also said "are". I wonder if the amount of money would have made a difference in FJ, but this win should definitely have an asterisk attached.

Just as blatant and hilarious was the FaceTime product placement ("Hush, everybody, Monroe is FaceTiming me!""Yes, Nick, I needed to tell you this very urgently, that's why I FaceTimed you!").

In this case it was the Republican student club, whatever it's called.

I'd rather keep musicals and ban sports. And, no, in this case, it can't be two things!

I haven't finished watching the episode yet, but are you telling me that"for whom the bell tolls was a triple stumper?

I almost said John Cazale, but he never even got a nomination - and of course, made five movies, not three. I just like him better than James Dean…

James Dean?

I have been playing along with It can get a little buggy when you try to save, but otherwise it's great.

I have no idea what's going on with this conversation, but I am highly entertained.

Holy cow, that was a tough FJ for someone who never had to study U.S. history. My totally half-assed guess? Riker. I have no idea if that's an actual person but, you know, prison colonies…Riker's Island… Lame, I know. But at least I knew that Raleigh and Penn would have been long gone by 1732!

He seemed to be cooking for his daughter and the whole wesen population of Portland. A whole bag of noodles for two people, plus Diana was buttering about eight half baguette sized pieces of bread. A little excessive, if you ask me.

I had an email with the subject line "Donald Trump - The best president ever?" The first paragraph was a warning that if I was one of those flaky liberals who hates Trump, I should go ahead and delete the email because I would never understand or appreciate the amazing offer I was about to receive. Then it tried to

I just have to jump in to say it's Quentin. Carry on!

That clue about the Spanish word for tourist also being a word for the runs or something like that really threw me. I have never heard turistas used in that second way. It's happened a couple of times recently, where they add something to a clue that appears obvious without it, and that makes me second-guess the

My DVR always jumps ahead too much when I fast forward, and I caught a glimpse of the clue where all I saw was the word "failure", and I immediately yelled out "DEATH OF A SALESMAN!!!!" I mean, if the clue had been 21st Century Musicals, then I would have yelled "THE PRODUCERS!!!!" But it was such a no-brainer.

I might have screwed it up by adding "christians" at the end of it, because I thought Coptic was just a modifier. I don't know if that would have been right.

He was constantly doing a little shaky dance like he had to pee. He did well but yes, it would be nice if he settled down a little and was also a little quicker in answering and picking questions.

I could answer the rest of the questions in the category, but for some reason, in that one, my brain got itself stuck on Alabama and decided to ignore the word Keller. It was definitely a forehead slapper once the answer was revealed.

Me, I even thought of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf as a play/movie, and then dismissed it with a "naaaaaah, that's not a Disney title!"