Mo Mos Mo Problems

My brain felt like a crippled slug today. I blurted out Emma Goldman a split second before realizing it was Lazarus, could come up with surrender but was annoyingly blanking out on unconditional (seriously, what was wrong with me today), and then overthought FJ, and at the last second decided that With a Little Help

But surely not knowing your Exodus from your Deuteronomy must be grounds for dismissal in certain congressional quarters (or so they would like their constituents to believe.)

Well, he didn't know the Bible well enough to come up with "Deuteronomy" (neither did I).

I think he must have got hung up on the word "sorcerer", rather than "bourgeois", and went from there to Merlin. I was wrong, too, but at least I was wrong with Das Kapital, which is a little closer.

I just hesitated on whether it would be Tesla or Westinghouse vs. Edison. In the end I figured that Tesla's name would sell a book better. But the War of Currents was more with Westinghouse, wasn't it?

For a moment there, I thought you meant Tears for Fears. Which renewed my thirty-something-year-old question to myself: why do I keep confusing those two bands for each other? Some quick googling gave me the answer that uh… the two lead singers kinda looked alike a little bit? Maybe? As for the HOF question -

It was an awkward ending, end even more awkward was how Alex couldn't find anything to say to it, not even a "good for you!" On the other hand, I don't want to imagine how I would mangle my own perfectly prepared interview anecdotes under that pressure. Very badly, I'm sure.

Every time I looked at Joe answering his questions, I could see Steve Martin in his suit and tie doing some comic lecturing on the SNL stage, preferably while puffing on a pipe.

All in time? That was shocking to me, but oh so nice…

Ha, this is weird. Good to run into a fellow Sporcler! Are you the corndog from over there, too?

Sheesh, I am having a lot of shame thrown sideways at me today. I never knew what the MTM theme was called, I only remembered the "you're gonna make it after all" part. in my defense, I'm not originally American, so MTM is not my national treasure (or something). I only knew Love Is All Around as some sappy song from

Not even. If by "classic" you only mean "old", at the most.

I'll take that shame gladly. Lord of the Flies is not a classic movie and Piggy is not a classic movie role, sorry. If they had named the category "literary movie adaptations", then it would have been a fair clue. But as "classic movie roles"? Ppppfffffffffttttttt.

Oh. Derp. Thank you. It looks like I would have fit right in with today's contestants.

Bu-but, but then he doesn't get the extra pay that his contract must stipulate he gets for every "no harm, no foul"!

It may be because I haven't seen the game, and there was more to the homonyms question, but I'm completely blanking on it. What's a homonym of "White House"? What am I missing?

I was thinking it sounded vaguely Polish, so I was going to go with Warsaw, but ended up thinking of Prague because of Vaclav Havel. For all I know, Vaclav and Vaclavske are as related as Jamal and James, but hey, it worked.

Wow, this might be the first time that I can actually answer all these "insultingly easy" clues (which I'm sure they really are with the multiple choice answers, but as shown here, I usually miss one or two). Even the Steve Young one, which, no, I don't come from a Mormon household. I'm not sure why I'm bringing it

My husband guessed Nash, but I tried to argue that he wouldn't be the title subject, so I was also guessing Gandhi. I guess there must be a difference between title subject and title character… maybe? Because he wouldn't be a title character, right?

I am old enough to remember watching Lou Grant, and I had never heard of Rhoda until I moved to the U.S. many years ago. I had never heard of Phyllis until I watched this Jeopardy show.