Mo Mos Mo Problems

I'm so in hate with sports, when that question came up, I had to take a few seconds to wonder "wait, is my daughter's school one of those…?" Yes. Yes, it is. By the time I could have come up with the answer (maybe), they would have been a couple of questions ahead.

I said "that submarine thingy", but it turns out that the one I was picturing in my head was the wrong one - the Turtle from the American Revolution:…

Honestly, if I get on the show, I'd probably suck at it more often than not. When I read here how in order to wager on a DD you have to take into account how much money you have, how much your opponent has, how many clues are left and what their value is, what happens if you answer correctly or incorrectly but then

I usually don't do well with the newspaper name categories, but it seems double-named ones are much more memorable, because I got three of them right. And I do hope that some as-yet-unforeseen wave of the future brings newspapers and journalism back, so your degree pays off in spades (not literally).

How times change: the other day a third-grader asked me what Nickelodeon is. She even seemed a little confused at the idea of a "TV channel". She did seem to have a hazy recollection of Spongebob existing, or maybe she was just humoring me.

My brain got stuck on 30 Rock for a bit, but having seen the show, I knew they had never moved. After a while, I started to wonder what other shows took place in what I assumed to be the power centers of NYC. And also having seen the show, and remembering at least one big office move, I finally settled on Mad Men.

Late to the conversation, but no mention by anybody of the Palmistry category? I have been playing Jeopardy using, which lets you save the games and assign tags to the categories so you can see your stats with different topics. The only tag I could think of for this was WTF. Have they ever presented

All I got from Virgil was "Roman", and that was already one of the options it couldn't be, so I also found it completely useless.

That was my answer before I realized that the clue writers could have chosen to leave all the rest of the Pythons out of it.

I though that was a final category that only Brick Heck and his after-school club could love. Italics never even crossed my mind, because I thought they were just a variation of other fonts. Typefaces. Whatever all that means. I would have gone with Garamond, just because it's a font name I remember. Go ahead,

You can have your thin mints! While this disgusting obsession that other people have with mixing chocolate and mint should have been in my head, I answered Tagalongs because those are actually, you know, tasty.

I was between Oklahoma and New Mexico. I knew NM was one of the 20th century states, but I wasn't sure of the year. I knew OK was 1907, and if I hadn't been distracted with something else I might… possibly… have decided on NM after realizing that the first presidential election that OK would have participated in was

But do you read the AV Club's news wires, or book reviews or entertainment-related headlines? I've never read Harry Potter, but I would say it isn't an unfair question since it made the news that Rowling had quietly published a book under a pen name and then got outed (or it was all a ploy for more publicity).

Or you could watch the movies.

But that's the best part of museum visits! Stumbling upon a famous, amazing painting that you didn't even know was there. I also went to MOMA without realizing that Starry Night was there. And I'm so glad it was, because I didn't care much for the rest of the museum otherwise.

My stupid DVR lied to me again, and said it was recording Jeopardy! when in fact it wasn't. So I only caught the very end, and was scratching my head at the Leto and Ajax answers. Although, if I hadn't remembered Harry Potter, I might have gone with something equally wrong like Clitemnestra or Electra.

He's just making sure that they're talking about him. Something tells me that if they forego a Trump impression one week, he'll be way more pissed that they ignored him. And then he'll twit that he won and forced them to stop, which will of course force them to have Baldwin as Trump on every single week.

I found all the players annoying today. I'm sure it was me, not them, but still: Asim with his "Let's do this, please", meaning "stay in the same category", which seemed unfair to the poor camera guy who has to figure out what clue to highlight next; Ryan with his constant "let's do (category)!", which sounded

There were some ads for the musical in my area last summer as well, so when the question came up, I yelled "Tapestry!" Oops.

I did pretty terrible today. Not as bad as yesterday, but that extra-convoluted "before & after with homophones" was a nasty killer. I am usually pretty good with before & after, but this one had me scratching my head on all the clues except for the presidential suite child o' mine one. For the top clue, I had Coal