Mo Mos Mo Problems

I thought the pilot was quite good, and ever since then I have alternated between "aaaaw" and **GIANT EYE ROLL** as I watch. In the last episode, William's tears and Rebecca's fear of losing Randall were an aaaw, and just about everything else was an eye roll. The "Randall accidentally takes drugs so that we can

I didn't know that. Dr. Ken has some very talented regular cast members and guests, but it's not a show I have enjoyed whenever I caught it. Since Slavin has also showed up on Speechless, which is a show I like, I can also hope for a reunion there.

I am enjoying Timeless on NBC. It's dumb, it's fun, and I am fervently wishing that it won't get cancelled before Jonathan Slavin can guest-star so that I can get a Phil and Lem reunion of sorts. But everyone around here seems to be rooting for its cancellation…

Good luck! My audition was nine months ago, and let me tell you, I am not looking forward to another nine months of despairing about getting called for the show, likely followed by the crushing realization that the eighteen months are up, and they didn't like me! But the audition itself was a blast.

In my head, I answered "hyper" since, as you point out, text would be the first T, and link was already part of the question.

Right. She asked "are we living in a timeline created by Garcia Flynn" because in the show they mention that there's a movie being made about her after coming back to the slightly altered timeline. A movie which didn't seem to exist before they left. So it was a joke that, since in our reality, we are getting a

Oh ho! Now my dramatic reveal is that I'll say something so bad that you have to call me out on it, only for me to inform you that nuh-huh, you owe me undying respect forever and ever.

I would have answered Mississujah. I don't care that it doesn't exist. It's just as ridiculous a name as Pascagoula, and it rhymes much better with hallelujah,

I thought they froze Phil, not Lem. Then again, it has been way, way, way too long since I saw Better Off Ted.

I don't know if the dates work, but could Mason be The Doc's son? It might explain why he's in with Rittenhouse.

Kids nowadays are lucky if they know who the Looney Tunes characters are. I am amazed that they expected them to know any Hanna-Barbera ones. Sure, there was a movie six years ago that I had completely forgotten, and Justin Timberlake was in it. To these kids, Justin Timberlake is a pretty old guy.

Simplicity is best: president Dump.

This is a big reason I couldn't get into Hannibal. All the serial killers as mad artists who spend hours assembling nightmarish tableaux of respectable victims out in the open where they could get caught in a second, rather than the grubby reality of opportunistic killers who grab vulnerable, forgettable victims and

The first comment in the message boards spoils the ending, which turns out to be exactly what I expected after reading the review. There's also some mention that the nudity is what Seinfeld would call "bad naked"…

Yes, I loved that he could hold his own against those guys, although didn't anyone else wonder what was going on at the end of the whole thing? Was he just exhausted after the fight, or did his weird look and the noises in the background mean that he was being possessed by whatever came out of the other two? I

Oh, I know. I also have a lot of bile right now, but I am hoping Jeopardy can be a little bit of an oasis, and we can leave the kids out of it. Who knows, maybe the kid thinks that the sun shines out of Donald Dump's butt, or maybe he thinks he's the worst thing to possibly happen to our country.

Meh, he probably plays videogames and watches violent movies, so he's probably cool with your violent rhetoric. But Trump is terrifying to all the teenagers I know, and they would want to know why you hate them so much to be seeing that in their future, if you said that about them.

Mine too. I hope they catch up by replacing this Saturday's repeat with the latest episode.

No, no, no, no. What did that poor kid ever do to you? I hope he doesn't read this and get scarred for life, come on.

I fast forward through commercials, so I don't have to endure those. But it's been driving me up the wall that I've been getting nonstop robocalls from a variety of Republican "personalities", from forgotten local news anchors and failed gubernatorial candidates, to Ivanka twice. Yes, dear, we should all be really