Mo Mos Mo Problems

They seem to have been showing up way more often in third-row clues for the last couple of years, and now even in second-row ones. I seem to remember a time when they were only top-dollar clues. I'm old.

So, by "old", do you mean "but not old enough to remember when they had a Seniors Tournament", or "so old that I tend to forget things, and the Jeopardy Seniors Tournament is one of them"? I think I remember Trebek saying in an interview something like they canceled it because the seniors were a bit too slow, and it

So did Tomas. His nephew starts saying there's a creepy guy in the bedroom in front of the guy's wife, and Tomas just rushes him out of there without an explanation to the kid, an apology to the lady, or anything! Not a very good role model.

Hah, I hadn't seen this when I posted above. I concur!

I like Susan, so I hope to see you coming up with sequels for a while longer.

My husband yelled out "Moby Dick!" before I could give it or any other title one second's thought. I'm supposed to be the literature expert in the family, but he got it immediately from the Star Trek angle, Khaaaaaaaan!

Question: I answered bison to the buffalo nickel question, because… well, I don't know. Would that have been acceptable? The North American animal is, after all, the bison, and that's presumably what was depicted in the coin, not an African or Asian buffalo, I don't care what the nickel is called.

It's called a virgulilla, apparently. I admit that I had to look it up, because until you asked I had just always called it "that thing on the ñ", or "the ñ's hat". I learned tilde because knowing when to use those is a big part of learning proper spelling in Spanish, so they get mentioned a lot in class. No one is

Oops. "Acute accent mark" is called tilde in Spanish, so I was using the wrong language. And I misspelled Jeopardy. Ayayay (that's me using Spanish again, because I can't figure out the English spelling.)

And somewhat related to my question about Chris Noth above, this is one name that is constantly mispronounced in Jeopardy. It isn't BoliVAR, it's BoLIvar, as evidenced by the tilde over the i. Same as Dalí, who is consistently mispronounced as DAli on Jeopardy. This has been me throwing a Jeopady/English-Spanish

Other than Chris Noth, why would anyone else know which way to pronounce it? Is there a rule that applies? I am asking seriously. English is not my first language, and I find English pronunciation insane.

The death stare that says "Only Trebek gets to model foreign pronunciation, Matt"?

Hey, if I have learned anything from the Orange One's run for president is that Projecting, Deflecting, Blaming, and Lying take you places.

Well, I need gitm here with a Jeopardy! Objection! or Something! because you guys may write it Nina due to lack of ñ's in your keyboards, but that's not how it's pronounced!

My husband and I were going at it from both angles - I was trying to come up with criminal words, and he with busy ports. Unfortunately, he was sticking with U.S. ports. I was completely stumped, but if he had mentioned Shanghai, it probably would have clicked. So it's all his fault, I'm sure.

That is true, and then there's the added consideration that this particular giant might have taken a dive off the beanstalk, so Margie might have been more of a suicide assister than a slayer.

You can go to where you will find a thread for each online test, with a list of the questions and answers, so you'll know for sure what you got. Whenever I checked, it always surprised me to find that I did either much better or much worse than I thought. I was never quite right.

Whaaaaaaaaaat? That was Lem? No wonder I liked him so much on sight. But I am really, really disappointed in myself that I didn't recognize him. I just saw Phil appearing on Speechless. Makes me wonder what a Timeless/Speechless crossover would be like.

Hm, I don't know. Watching this, I was thinking I might be able to stop watching LoT for my time travel silliness fix. Honestly, it was fun enough to watch as it was happening, but I'm trying to remember what I liked about it, and I'm coming up pretty empty.

I would like some Jeopardy! scoring help. I believe a few days ago somebody left in one of the recaps a link to a site to keep score as you watch Jeopardy, but I haven't been able to find it in a Google search. The ones I've found I didn't like. Can somebody re-post what the link was? Thanks.