Mo Mos Mo Problems

They don't penalize wrong answers, so guess away, rather than get a certain 0 for leaving the answer blank. The algorithm they use won't judge you for answering "Shirley Temple" to "This tough guy played Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe, and Rick Blaine."

I don't know that I would even call what we did with the audition crew a "demo game". Sure, we went up before them in threes, and they gave us buzzers, and they had the board onscreen, but we each just answered 2-3 questions, and who answered had nothing to do with buzzing in, since they said they wanted to give each

I don't have anything against Seth, but it's weird how up there he's gotten without seeming like a particularly strong player. He must be (I know most people here will tell me he isn't). Maybe it's a ruse. Mild-mannered Ph.D. candidate by day, Jeopardy!nator by night.

Anything is better than proposing on live television or one of those ball park jumbotrons. Anything.

I didn't realize until you mentioned it. I didn't miss her at all, I always find her too mannered and it bugs me.

I was rooting pretty hard against that dope, so I was glad to see it blank. Maybe it's because I'm from another country (and one with a reputation for male chauvinism at that!), but why do some men think it's so charming to go ask for their girlfriend's father's permission to marry her? Sure, start things right by

They wanted the name of the duo, and both names were in the title. It would be different if they wanted them and the contestant said Hamlet.

Me, I was hoping for even more ridiculous and even sadder for our future generations, like 42nd.

I do! Sue Heck is a national treasure.

I think I would have come up with chrysanthemum, since it's a symbol of Japan that blooms in the fall, but the wording of the DD screwed me over, and I thought that "not in Spring" was a clue that you should be thinking of a spring blossom, so my answer was "cherry blossom" too. I mean, what's the point of that

Which sadly, have been missed too often lately that I fear we won't hear about Community on Jeopardy any more…

Seriously! How about a daily link to the old WOT with the relevant recap? What? No? You mean Jay S. deserves a vacation too? NOOOOOOOOO!!!

I fixated on "casa" or "domus" (Romani ite domum!) for house, and since I know squat about basketball, couldn't come up with Villanova. However, if I got called to be on the show, I would definitely go to the J-Board post where notable names and events of the previous year are added, and bone up on that, so I'd like

I read something from a successful contestant who recommended having your hand braced against something for maximum buzzer accuracy, but if anyone follows that advice, they should really go with using the podium, because the crossed arm thing… just… no.

Kids today don't care about alleged ancient curses unless they mess with their Snapchats

I don't know, we've all heard some pretty desperate, out-of-left-field DD and FJ answers before. They should insist on it for consistency, and not just assume what people may be thinking of.

J-archive only has his first two games up, so it may just be my imagination, but haven't there been a lot of clues left on the board since Pranjal has been playing? It seems like it takes the person in charge an extra second to find whatever clue he's jumping to. It didn't bother me when Arthur Chu was doing it, but


Oh, but remember that he said he's the king of debt, he knows debt better than anyone in the history of the universe, and he loooooooves debt, and anyway, we can print all the money we want, he hates to tell ya? https://www.washingtonpost….

Well, maybe if she hadn't claimed, or been made to claim, that she wrote the whole thing mostly all by herself, she would have more reason to be incensed and less to be humiliated.