Mo Mos Mo Problems

Strategy question: If I were on the show and saw a category come up in the first round that I was reasonably sure I would be an expert on, is there any reason I shouldn't go straight for the $1000 question? If I were an expert on a category, I wouldn't want to start with the easy ones and risk the other players

Yeah, I guess no one here was reading WOT that day, or instead of via: Consequence of Sound it could have said via: Our comment section.

Stupid PBS changed their listings in my area, so where before my DVR recorded all Masterpiece, even when they were listed separately as Masterpiece Classic/Masterpiece Mystery/Masterpiece Contemporary (or whatever that particular one was called), now I have to search and set up each series individually, because they

I wasn't sad to see him go, between how he apparently thought that glory days as a middle school athlete is an interesting thing to talk about on Jeopardy, and the way he was assaulting his buzzer. I swear at times he was even adding a little Hulk smash jump so that he could hit it harder.

But now we'll never know just what was so gosh darned special about Benn that those Olympics people wanted him to run with the torch so badly, and that the one guy would give up his place in this once-in-a-lifetime event so that he could run with his wife! Either it was a really cute story completely missing all the

Well, I am assuming that he thought Captain Cook was the famous visitor. But Captain Cook croaked well before 1835. I don't know if I would have gotten it right (I'd like to think that I would have) because I fast forward through the commercials, and sometimes it jumps a little ahead, so when I stopped it I could

It's what you use when you want to go from Deutschland to Alles?

Did Elvis bill himself as just "Elvis"? Would Jeopardy require the Presley? And how did I just conflate Elvis and Kanye West?

ABC for me. OK, we need to see a Fox and a CW now, and we've caught them all! (Crap, all the PokemonGo news all day is seeping in my brain…)

They had The Pen Is Mightier as a category last year, too. Sadly, no one said "The Penis Mightier for $400!" then, either.

I thought that Pam's scoffing at having to say A Petit Dejeuner was because she was dying to do the SNL Sean Connery (or was it Burt Reynolds?) version, Ape Tit Dejeuner. Or maybe I was just projecting. I love how in the last couple of years the Jeopardy writers have worked in at least two of those mispronounceable

There is only one appropriate response to people announcing they don't own a TV: Ironic, of course, that this was in a streamed season.

I thought for sure that your preemptive reference was going to be Fortitude, which was sure to be brought up by someone here in response to your (Two) Day Old Jeopardy! Objection!

YES! I was very disappointed when he didn't work an "I must say" into his interview. But it was still a funny one because he looked and sounded so pained at Alex pointing out the lack of furniture in that Lincoln museum/whatever.

I don't know, she wouldn't stop hopping around like a boxer and assaulting her buzzer, and I didn't enjoy that. I was hoping that Harris would once again be the only one right on FJ. If Christie sticks around for a while, I'm going to have to just listen to the show while I look at something else.

Does the fact that I was yelling "Kiss Me, Kate" at the TV absolve me from the fact that, despite the fact that I hang out at the A.V. Club a lot, I don't give a crap about Kanye and couldn't remember The Life of Pablo?

Good luck! Can you let us know if at your audition a) they tell people that they can go if they don't pass the 50-question test at the beginning, or b) they let everyone go through to hit the buzzer a couple of times and go through the interview process? I always heard it was a), but at mine in February they went

When he read the category name, he said something to the effect of "yes, I said that way on purpose". Now, whether he pronounced it incorrectly as a name, as you claim, I wouldn't know.

I went with Jasper Johns because he was the only alliterative American artist I could think of, because the f/64 clue flew over my head, and because photography isn't the kind of art I first think of when I'm trying to come up with art forms that need to be more realistic.

If by (blank) you mean Laurie, she sounds to me like a less exaggerated version of that other contestant who was driving the Internet crazy with her weirdly affected pronunciation not that long ago. Right or wrong, I find it grating, a little too "I am such a classy broad" (and I really have nothing else against