Mo Mos Mo Problems

I thought Norway, but then I thought it might also be Denmark, if Greenland was included. So if I had been playing in that game, I would have been a nervous wreck until the last two seconds, where I would tried to scribble whichever of the two countries I was last thinking of. And no one would have been able to read

Well, yeah, but that one is in a class of its own because it was Trebek's boneheaded question, not the contestant trying to come up with something remotely interesting to say about themselves. There have been enough of those awful boring interviews that The Soup's segment "Cool Story, Jeopardy Contestant!" was a

Hell, no. The worst Jeopardy story ever would be the "So it says here that you enjoy a certain mode of transportation?" "That's right, Alex, I love taking the escalator!" And it would have been bad enough had it stopped there, but then Alex tried to keep the conversation going. About the fun of riding escalators.

For a while there in the 80's, The Untouchables had a couple of murders that got mentioned here and there (the baseball bat murder/speech, and Malone's murder while Capone is at the opera, IIRC). That being De Palma, I'm sure there was much camera setup. But naaaaaah, who are we kidding, anyone who reads that clue

OK, to borrow from @gitm, Jeopardy recap point of order, but when you say "bet everything", shouldn't you say "bet almost everything"? Because who wants to risk ending up with $0 and getting locked out of Final Jeopardy? If you do mean bet it all, tsk tsk. I ever get in the show, I ain't doing that.

Of course he did! Because he didn't spend the crucial time needed to secure that runaway proving that he knew the rest of the Dr. Strangelove title. You are going to need another argument to prove my obviously 100% scientifically accurate, sure-to-happen, not-at-all-fantasy scenario wrong.

Sure, but would being an ass be worth running out of time and missing out on that $2000 question that you desperately needed to get right in order not to make it a runaway game for your opponent? Don't you know that's exactly what would happen?

What Jay S. said. Also at my recent audition there were two or three questions about the area where it was being held, which were almost insultingly easy for those of us from there, but maybe not so much for the people who came from other places.

I tried to read this whole thread as an explanation of why the most yooge, tremendous, tremendous asshole is this close to being president, but no. Not even with this.

Well, with that description, I had to go Google it. Gotta love the whole thing, and especially the capper:

Funny, I really like the Shardlake books, and I am currently reading Sansom's Dominion, but hated with a passion the one Falco book I read.

Oh sure, back when it was a cute college girl stepping all over Trebek to get to the clues, everyone here was "YEAH, ENERGY!" but when it's not so much a cute college girl, suddenly that stresses everyone out? Hmmm…

It may be because Veep came up in the show yesterday or the day before, but I was seeing a shorter Jonah rather than Dexter.

Yeah, I can see that, but I am still holding out hope that he will confirm my Harold Lloyd bias and show up for his next game in a straw boater hat. Because that would just be awesome.

So, Buzzy. Is he going more for the Harold Lloyd look, or the George Reeves Clark Kent?

Me too, I was thinking I must have missed something.

You know, I call that wager shaming. He should have bet it all! Sure he won, but he still didn't bet enough! There's no excuse! It could have cost him! There's a lot of that going around here. Tsk tsk, guys.

I agree with the Toby Jones love, but the write-up actually made me uncomfortable. I mean, it was a very short paragraph just harping on and on (six different times?) that "he's funny looking!" Which reminds me, it would be fun if Arya at some point could kick the butts of a couple of mercenaries played by Steve

I started out by trying to think of cities with NFL teams, and that would have taken me too long. Then I switched to trying to think of British prime ministers, and since I barely know any, I hit on it on the second one I came up with ("Disraeli… Nope. Pitt… Hey!")