Mo Mos Mo Problems

Nope, sorry. You're told to keep hitting that button, at least in the audition. I don't think they change it for the show.

Replace "read all the goddam Harry Potter books" with "memorize all of Shakespeare's plays' names and characters", and you're golden.

Sporcle, people.

I ran into that same sort of problem trying to log in, and it finally let me log in when in the email field I entered my user name only, not the actual email address with the @blablabla. Go figure.

I guess when it comes down to the last few seconds, you just write anything down and hope as hard as you can that gremolata means baby in Italian.

I was about to rebut with Celebrity Apprentice, but I guess that's less of a game show and more of a reality competition show/opening of the first seal of the Apocalypse.

I had different problems with the book and the movie (oh the horrific makeup in the Sonmi parts), but the movie ending was just that, a stereotypical happy movie ending. The book has stayed with me a lot longer, because although it ended back at the beginning with the lawyer in the 19th century on a very hopeful note

The thing with Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in.

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

Some day somewhere someone will for once not conflate Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg (although it's totally their fault, I hear they made a movie together that nobody saw, and that's why everyone thinks they're the same person), and thereby they will give some hope to Dylan McDermott and Dermot Mulroney in their

Oh, goody, I hadn't come across anyone ringing the weekly SNL death knell on this thread yet. Augh, give it up already. People have been complaining about the show's decline in quality and saying that it should be put out of its misery since their second season in 1976 (yes, they did receive angry letters telling

If Chris Pratt hosted SNL with his new-found Guardians of the Galaxy fame and they didn't even take that opportunity to mention (let alone promote) Parks & Rec even once, how can anyone hope to see Nick Offerman promoted the way he deserves?

I couldn't agree more that they should get their own show just so that I don't have to see them on SNL any more. Maybe they can take Colin Jost as their straight man. They do hit my funny bone occasionally, but I agree with Bryan_Bayless that they are too one-note. There is basically no difference between their

Thank you for pointing us to that article! It was an excellent take on the story.

I agree, very well said. I haven't seen the movie, but the book left me with no doubt that Amy was a stone-cold psychopath her whole life, and by the end of the book she is again looking for slights to avenge (i.e., bloody murders to plan). The author of the article says that the book refuses to cast Amy as a

I love the loogie reference, but did anyone watch the Nova episode "Cold Case JFK" this year? They made a pretty good case for the single bullet.

My highly technical assessment was: the very first comment was the one below mine. It took three "load more comments" to get past The Boondock Saints and its attendant Tarantino/Kevin Smith/Usual Suspects sideshow, which was good enough for a snap judgment, schmuck that I am. Less snappy, though: as it stands now,

I asked at a forum somewhere what would be a good series to start getting into Superman, since I had never gotten into those as I had Spiderman or The Fantastic Four. Somebody recommended All Star Superman. Man, I don't know what that guy was thinking. It may be great, I don't know, but I get the feeling you need

You know you're at The A.V. Club when…

OK, I have been catching the show for the first time this summer, and I just started watching season 3, so I have to ask - Keith Mars was disgraced AGAIN? Still World's Greatest Dad, though, I hope.