Momofuku O'Murphy

I really think that is a question of personal frame of reference. For example a person who may look a little fat can be stronger than a very lean, muscular person. It's just that we're used to be presented with a very specific body type/ideal in the media. Physically strong can look very different depending on the

I really can't understand the apprehension. Seems like more of a personal issue. This was one of the most realistic "woman punching man" scenes ever. she's taller, she's stronger…?? but she doesn't "look like she's fit" okay seems misogynist at its core but ok

annoying when people can't understand something and the only conclusion they're capable of drawing is that the writing must be bad. naaaah. you are just completely ignoring huge bits of the story but nbd

can someone give me quick rundown of 4? I started reading it and thought it was tedious. What's the situation at the end? I've tried finding a summary but can't find one

it's typical Holden completely overestimating his own capabilities. (like, let's be reeeeal tough and shoot the scientist instead of extracting every bit of knowledge about the alien thing we're trying to save humanity from and don't understand whatsoever, I totally know how, we'll just KILL it! Easy!)

are you guys talking about Nemesis Games stuff? Otherwise I apparently forget who the hell Marco is…

but part of her identity was that there wasn't much but the military defining her.

ugh I hate him. She deserves so much better. And so do the readers (I'm getting a little irrationally irate, I know)- I mean how many mediocre whiny annoying as fuck main protagonists does the world need????

Killing the scientist was really fucking stupid (classic Holden) —- like nbd, we are saving humanity from an inconceivable new life form but definitely don't need any detailed information about it. Fuck you, Holden.

that is explained very thoughtfully. Exactly, the Earthers' privilege gives them the arrogance to follow some high-minded idea of totally understanding what needs to be done in order to save humanity without ever considering that all of it is way beyond them. Like letting the scientist die was about the most stupid

ugh I hate Holden so much. He's so goddamn self-satisfied.

yeah I don't understand the confusion…like she was only deprived of basically her entire life and you need there to be more triggers? It's about fucking enough to lose the only thing that defined you as a person.

tbh I see the change itself as the meat because before all of this she was 100% devoted and wrapped up in mindless military cog-identitiy. checks out for me

yeah the reviewer seemed to just wanna be a little edgy and "critique-y". Even if you haven't read the books it makes 100% sense to me.

COMPLETELY disagree with reviewer's take on Bobbie. Maybe it makes more sense if you've read the books

wow. I wasn't consciously perceiving that. How amazing.

omg I LOVE HER I want her to be my therapist

that doesn't make any difference. colorblindness is detrimental. I'd know since I'm black among white people

you are definitely allowed to notice. it's just natural. you're supposed to see the difference and not care, not NOT see the difference, if that makes sense?

I am European. I live in Europe. Racism is well and alive here. And colorblindness here contributes to it. I'm black.