Momofuku O'Murphy

nice. did you make that? i couldn't see the head being so big. i liked the black treacly tar like appearance. I'M SO EXCITED

i can't believe the condescending tone of the answer to this comment. so "edgy" and dismissive of your extremely important viewpoint. thank you for taking the time to explain.

it goes hand in hand with the "colorblind" myth. that's what they meant to say. it may seem well-meaning, but to not see someone's skin color is racist. google this and you will understand. maybe try to get used to take what POC tell you more seriously and not reflexively reject what they know most about.

That is a lot of mental gymnastics to dismiss the voices of Asian-Americans. Indulge their view point because THEIR opinion on this matters. Not yours. It doesn't have to make sense to white people is the entire point. You are trying to make it make sense from a white perspective. I'm black and I understand what they


yeah, remember in the first episode when jane gave celeste that lingering look when the three of them were talking at the cafe for the first time?

i laughed my ass off at this

does anyone else think the protomolecule man looks exactly like you imagined from the books?

if you're feeling chatty by all means add more spoilers…jk but not really jk

thank you ! ! !

thanks, will do. anything essential I should know from book 4? Been trying to find a good summary but no dice


unfortunately, yep. I've been holding off on book 4 bc I started and it got really boring. Nothing can top the surprise and originality of the protomolecule's existence. Have you read book 5?

when was she being the worst? you talking about the books? I'm completely biased

victim-blaming. it's automatic

who ends him?

thanks for taking the time. my question is answered <3

😂😂😂 thanks for being blunt. that's all I needed to know

have you ever asked a Muslim person about that?

right? I was like…really guys…that's reeeeeeeeal subtle. Let it GOOOOOOO let it goo-hoo
Anyway, looking forward to the e-mail/server storyline <3