Momofuku O'Murphy


He seems way to clean

I wish they'd come back so bad :( :( :(

Guys can anyone indulge my hypersensitivity here…<3

fascinatingly, you seem to gloss over all facts that answer and refute your questions/arguments. you know that this makes you look…not so smart, right? You're like a boy who covers his hears to pretend like what he's hearing doesn't exist because it hurts his feefees

yes, and the same goes for tom Lauren whom he had on on Friday. fuck these men who get wet over her racist ass and entertain and legitimise their destructive and alternative fact-based reality

yes, the origin of the name is Ancient Greek and the Latin people just stole it :) I'm very partial to that spelling because we translated the Odyssey and there the wind gods make appearances

true. I'm just very partial to the Greek spelling bc of the origin of the wind gods etc.

"it" matters when there's so much emphasis on the meaning of it and it's weird for them to use an adapted copycat version of it because the original wind god was a greek one and the Latin people stole it. Re: pos- it takes one to see one, huh

then I'm annoyed with the creators of the show for not respecting the origin of it because Eurus was a copy of Euros, hehe. I know this isn't the end of the world, but when these things come up, I have to be that asshole because I didn't study this for nothing :)

what makes you think that? It isn't. Making people feel like shit isn't my favourite thing to do

yes but they adapted it from Greeks/I think in the Odyssey the anemoi (wind gods) are mentioned, and the Odyssey is much more ancient than Metamorphoses

that is correct± ugh I don't know where the exclamation mark is on this new keyboard, but you get my idea

please elaborate. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the misogyny throughout the series (beyond Molly).
it felt like Euros was pretty much thrown away in the end, pushed aside like she was as a child, but by the writers.

but…but…it's not that simple…sure she wanted some love but she was unable to receive it. so she felt emotionally rejected even though she wouldn't have been able to connect with the other kids on their level, because she is so beyond everyone else in her understanding of the world…


not just she wanted to be played with as a child- her intellectual superiority would have made it difficult to understand what the point of those infantile exercises were anyway; but still feeling emotionally rejected on some level…so she's twice as isolated, in a sense..? Is this making sense? I'm really tired

THANK YOU. I was like…ugh misogyny starts so young… I identified with Euros so much because I wanted to be a part of playing with the other boys so bad but for some reason wasn't granted that right…I WISH they'd have at least mentioned that aspect of it…(I also identified bc ultimately I never had the same interests…

but for her to present it as a puzzle to be solved she had to have been completely aware of her inner child personality? aaaaahhhhhh I need to know all of this but detailed from you perspective, please

first of all thank you for spelling Euros correctly, (yes I'm a POS) and that was something I somehow had difficulty processing- split personality…? So all the time she was talking, her inner child was "allowed" to be vulnerable and scared and then cut off again by cold, rational Euros? Awesome, that makes it even…