Momofuku O'Murphy

For me the best line that threw his unsuccessful attempt at dominating the situation right the fuck back in his face was when she ended their conversation with "It's true what they say about little boys, you know….born with no natural inclination to share." Like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you Baffleck

right, or when getting to know you they peculiarly seem to only ask you about whether you listen to/have heard of this or that R'n'B/Hip Hop artist. Like you KNOW in secret they listen to the most atrocious four on the floor white people shit -
the abomination that's redefining the very concept of what music is and

Hey, been spending the last couple of minutes trying to find the daily show interview you mentioned but can't find it- can you help me out? I NEED to see that slick albino rat owned because my hate for him knows no end.

yes, disassembled, not exploded


hahaha. I get upset quickly, especially when a show with low viewership doesn't get its due.

riiiiiiiiiiiiight. that makes a lot more sense, thanks for clarifying. tbh I wasn't able to see past your "sexy" comments bc I'm used to a very specific type of person making that type of comment, if you know what I mean. But the point you make is reasonable. Guess they were crunched for time? or maybe he already knew

i don't see any fun in there. nothing but destructive. we must have different experiences with the kind of person who says shit like this

right?? accompanied by all of the cursing, of course

btw, here's the writers talking about Bobbie:


lol if there were radioactive materials in there the protomolecule would grow from it.

yes, and I can't remember the protomolecule adhering to standard Earth physics enough to be obviously destroyed by either being frozen or being incinerated?

yep. it was beautiful.

agree 100% the entire idea is that Bobbie's entire motivation is Mars/military. this review annoyed the fuck out of me. so edgy

she has hit rock bottom; that's the entire idea!!! she's forced to completely reconfigure her entire identity-her beliefs. bc all of her beliefs have been contradicted

to be fair, Holden is modelling the tough guy very well. he's not much better

really seems like someone has some pathological reaction to women who kick ass. like wtf with the "sexy" stuff? like dude, you are the only one projecting your own crap onto two women for no reason whatsoever, also apparently haven't read a book (whining about why Bobbie gets to be a main character is the giveaway for

Seems like a) you haven't read any of the books and b) a personal issue in general. I'm not sure where the "sexy" stuff comes from, it seems like you are the one immediately projecting that facet onto it.

I think the protomolecule stuff alone makes "Leviathan Wakes" worth reading. You'll get much more cool pm stuff! It's so fucking cool!!!