Momofuku O'Murphy

thank you for spelling Euros correctly

Euros is Ancient Greek, not Latin, and therefore ends in -os instead of -us.

At first I didn't get it at all because I knew the wind gods, the anemoi, but I was like wtf is a eurus? a walrus?
You'd think that with all of the critical thinking involved in writing these reviews you'd double-check your spelling when you've even been provided with the origin of the name. But also- I'm a snob and a

For God's sake, it's Greek, not Latin, and it's spelled EurOS. EurOS, not Eurus. At this point it seems like wilful ignorance.

it's the correct Greek form; masculine singular nouns end in -os as opposed to -us in Latin. Great instincts!

the one ending in -us being the Latin and -os the Ancient Greek one.

This has been itching….Greek nouns (the masculine, singular version) end in-os, not -us, like Latin ones. OBVIOUSLY not a terrible mistake but what did I study Ancient Greek for if not for moments like this?

we know because the ophthalmologists at the hospitla confirm you can see in his eyes that he is a good man!

hmm like what? thinking back I can't come up with any premise that didn't have that social media component to it…am I missing one?

makes sense. It's probably a personal issue of mine that I have little to no interest in a character study of yet another bland mediocre* white dude. Not every plot turn has to be surprising, but there was nothing interesting about him at all for me

umm…life is about relationships? interacting with people? communicating in various ways? so why wouldn't there be a focus on technology that serves as a medium for said communication?

which ones? i really didn't like playtest. "oooh i'm soooo scared and totally don't know how it's going to end"

agreed, I was definitely crying at San Junipero and then went over to watch Beyoncé singing "Heaven"* live on Youtube and then cried some more!

i know right? i was like ok we get it, you wanna point out that someone is naive and your understanding of life is superior
whoa i must be in a bad mood. -5*


sorry if I'm misunderstanding the argument here, but as I understood it, Ed Harris is supposed to come off as being a human being (He said he's been coming to this place for 30 years and paying a lot for it- also a.k.a. 30 years was when they had the last "incident"), but he's probably a robot…what was up with him

exactly, and I think an IPO would introduce factors that could contribute to her losing intellectual/emotional ownership of that. I don't see the rush, either. They're not poor. Why is growth so urgent? They're doing fine as they are right now. I think i just hate the quarterly business model for being obnoxious by

I'm in awe of you!!! Thank you for doing all of this!

I'm putting this everywhere because I'm livid. As a childhood sexual abuse survivor, as a woman, as a human being. I just want to yell at him; ow have you changed when you're still maintaining a (working) relationship with Jean Celestin who was convicted of rape? You're seeking redemption but you haven't faced any

As a childhood sexual abuse survivor, and survivor of emotional abuse as well, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I feel your pain. And especially the exhaustion of seeing people hold on for dear life to their "arguments" against women…again and again. Thank you for sharing. It is always good to know we're not