Momofuku O'Murphy

sci-fi all the way- all kinds. also love drawing connections to real life Physics, theories etc. I study Physics and make music and write and suck at focussing on anything in life! Count me in?

like sci-fi? read/seen "The Expanse"? That comic "Divinity" from Valiant?

all of you are definitely the kind of dedicated to the issues I've been looking for for a while. MUST read all of these comments. Where on earth have you been all my life, VSB comment section? Certainly not in Switzerland, that's for sure

more like 11 out of 10 times

alla deez females

her dad black french, mom hispanic and cherokee.

this is why your name is literally queen

This Book Ain't Ish

me too and never even arrive at second, add all my tangents and you get a completed circle

"LISTEN, (insert name)…" in insanely patronizing way (sorry, mostly used by guys in a listen little girl, ima teach you bout the world kinda way)
go away forever

waiting for the stump speech to gather additional ammo for future use


LOL thank you this will be eternally useful


Completely agree with this and have translated into actual action. It works. It if I don't work, it still works, bc that bf is not supposed to be your bf.

not a Taurus but I understand your position, and I'm telling you from 4 excruciating years cleaning house that you can confront them ONCE, appropriately, about the very foundations of your world views etc, and if they then continue to be inherently doubtful about things you say/experience, they are NOT YOUR FRIEND. I

Jesus Jeremiah and Joseph, my dad March 25th, you literally just described him - white dad who cut me off at any mentions (and there weren't many) of racism or sexism with "I'M COLOURBLIND" and the above mentioned "YOU CREATE ALL OF YOUR OWN FEELINGS" "EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS, NOT JUST YOU (after I was scared that my

I had no fucking clue. I hate knowing so little about my heritage, and even though I was born and raised and live back in Switzerland now, I definitely experience a whole nother type of racism. The only thing we learned about in lightning speed was 1776. And that's IT. I WISH I had had some reference points/ earlier

glad to hear that. Growing up raised mostly by my white dad, he wouldn't allow any luxury (no bleaching, any straightening (which I'm now glad I didn't do, but it wasn't for the right reasons from him), not to mention ANY hair care for dry/black hair like oils, conditioners other than cheap shampoo)- and it's

seriously I can't understand this cavalier attitude and the neglect of how dangerous (AFTER all the vile hate that put her there) this "yeeahh whatevs she doing it for attention " is!!!! I can't believe the world.