Momofuku O'Murphy

I was crying when this happened not just bc Kehlani is one of my fav singers. Then I see these gifs, and I've been giggling out loud (gol) to myself for like 3 minutes straight… holy mother of god this is ridiculous AAHAHAHAHAHA

Trump's face is a sack of crushed Cheetos

it was, the one eye missing

thanks for the info. as I said, I am not on one side firmly, it's just that my fb is flooded with unfortunately hateful anti-Hillary speak, which could be articulated in an objective, reasonable way. both have their strengths and weaknesses. and I appreciate all the extra info I'm getting from INFORMED people here. :)

can we please contract black and academic to blackademic for efficiency and also because i love stupid puns? okay thanks

oh, and i appreciate your thoughtful answers. :)

i think this is what i find most discouraging. people will just (on both sides) selectively pick out item x, conflate it into and with whatever they need it to be and then run with it, as a new and neatly packaged meme, dispersing it as "fact" to anyone who won't give a shit to look up the real facts but is willing

but why doesn't no one ever mention bernie's supporting the bill and the three strike law?
what's terrible about attempting to reform the health system? was it super awesome before?i may be biased bc in my country health care is amazing thankfully.
but i do get your point, she did champion the bill. but so did many

is this in reference to the famed '94 Crime Bill, for which Bernie Sanders voted yes in the senate? And why are we holding HRC accountable for a bill she did not even vote on bc she was First Lady? Someone please explain this to me.

that one stuck with me, too! definitely a keeper
