
While I’m happy Biden won I am terrified by the record number of people who voted for Trump after everything that’s happen.

Am I grateful that the minorities saved us from authoritarianism? Hell yes. Thank you. But shit’s got to change, this is so far beyond acceptable. I don’t how to start because my default is to

Y’all remember when that Dr. was talking about demon pregnancies? Well Aaron Coleman was the result of that.

I guess you haven’t heard of BDSM?

This is literally the talk I just had with my dad re: Republicans and abortion. They just wanna force people to have kids and then be done with it. Nothing set up socially to help them after the fact. And trump and his ilk are actively rolling back the good things Obama did for health care and contraceptives and

To quote Dorothy Parker:

I bet you’d wish on the monkey’s paw too. 

This story is jaw-dropping.

I’m sorry, but as the mom of a special needs kid, that seems way more condescending than “he functions at the level of an elementary school child.” Giving a rough age-level equivalent gives the lay reader a concept of the kinds of limitations being discussed without dwelling on the things an individual can’t do or

For the issue at stake in this trial, re: the Sun’s headline calling Depp a “wife-beater”, I think there’s enough evidence to support that conclusion. I predict a ruling in favor of the newspapers.

“There’s no reason to cower or to offer them a respect and a reverence you wouldn’t even give your own grandparents.”

(with apologies to Janis) 

I really do think ALL of us would benefit from Kanye and the whole fucking K family NOT being in the public eye for a very long while.

Milo and Spencer went away after they were deplatformed from social media after Charlottesville in 2017. People stopped giving them outlets to spread their hateful beliefs until they had nothing but Gab, Telegram and other fringe platforms left. Deplatforming bigots works; interviewing them and writing long articles

If you’re “very impressed” with this piece, you must’ve been crapping your jeans in 2016 when journalists were writing longform pieces analyzing Milo’s Twitter rants and Richard Spencer’s fashion sense before we collectively remembered these people don’t matter and they faded back into obscurity.

My cat is turning 17 next month, he’s very disappointed he won’t be old enough to vote against Trump this fall.

One thing this ongoing car wreck of a story is teaching me is that it’s totally possible for both sides to be scumbags. It’s not an either/or proposition.

How can anyone say that the high point of the show was anything except Matthew Morrison singing a Kidz Bop version of Gold Digger?

I relate. Of course I was upset when she went missing, but now, with the absolute certainty that she’s truly gone, I’m fucking distraught. More so than I would’ve guessed.

Haha that’s so nice of you! I’m having a ball on this new beat tbh — it’s certainly helped to make this single-during-quar period less  ghastly!!

Haha that’s so nice of you! I’m having a ball on this new beat tbh — it’s certainly helped to make this