
This has nothing to do with unionization, as the site originally unionized back in 2015 as part of the Gawker team. It (probably) has to do with private equity firms stuffing the site full of ads, driving away long term users and then staff losing jobs due to declining revenue.

At 15 we discussed birth control and at 16 we went to the doctor to get it. I didn’t put her behind the wheel of a car without insurance; why would I end her into the romantic/sexual world without the only insurance she can get?

This is Chapter 20 in the Grifter’s Handbook. The only way to grift is to create projects where you can get the faithful to give you millions.

It will be.

Jolie, I love how you adapt to the changing environment here.

Jolie, I love how you adapt to the changing environment here.

Having a family member who worked for Wood Brothers, I would 100% agree.

“But our definition of ‘arms’ definitely needs to be modern.  Can’t overthrow the government with muskets!”

Because protesting is a 1st Amendment right?

April 5, 1992 - drove from Michigan to Washington D.C. to defend the right to choose. Marched with my mother, my sister, my aunt, and my cousin. It was an amazing feeling to be part of such a united group of people. So MANY people!  We recreated the pose almost 25 years later at the Women’s March but our daughters

I added one so now you’re almost at a billion.

I added one so now you’re almost at a billion.

I added one so now you’re almost at a billion.

Her margin of victory was far higher than Trump’s.  Counties aren’t drawn to reflect population,

How about there’s an Executive Order in the Stare of Michigan requiring the wearing of masks in spaces like this, and out of respect for the rule of law, he should do it?  Not to mention respect for the owners and workers of this plant, who are following this order?

Oh Melania! Time to play hide the Trump-et!”

LIES! His face was eaten by the trooper as a warning to other SUV stealing preschoolers.

26 years old is stupid young?

The first wave of paper checks is going out today but only to people who have that listed on the “Get My Payment” web portal. The IRS can only process a set number a day (Target is 5 million a week) so it’s going to take time.

Why don’t you point to where I complained about the existence of children?  The three I have would be surprised to hear that.  Noting that some children scream more than others and acknowledging that it can get on your nerves occasionally is human.  And there is a difference between shouts and laughter and high

We had these neighbors. Four children under 10, outside every Day from 3:30 -7, all day on weekends.  Piercing screams nonstop