
It’s terrible. So awful.

You would think the World’s Greatest Detective would notice that his arch foe is not the same guy each time.

I can't get over how gorgeous these two are. They look like movie people.

Right? Two hot people start making out, you rake that eye candy in - and this moron breaks it up?

Officer friendly says you're under arrest for being TOO sexy

If he writes an article about why she is disliked that contained the word woman he would be evicerated here.

This is going to suck so hard.

Welp. More I see of it makes it more likely that those spoilers floating around are accurate... which is bad. Very, very bad.

Hey’s NOT the marshmallow man. This one was actually named Rowan, so he’s VERY different.

Looks awful like everything else associated with this movie

Better trailer. Same shit movie.

Seriously. I’m just so over “look at Kate McKinnon’s face! Her hair! Oh she’s got different hats on now! :::gush:::: Look! She blinked her eyes and took a breath!” I don’t even know who Kate McKinnon is...... nor does anyone in my personal life that I’ve asked.

You know you’re in for a party when the most highlighted thing from the trailer is “look at those facial expressions!”.

I didn’t want to believe that stuff about them fighting the logo ghost that came out in the leak (Sony email leak, I think?). Ugh. I am so full of nope.

I REALLY want to like this trailer. I wanted to be excited by this movie

Ummmm... nope. Still feeling nothing.

Cue the idiots that keep harping on the women power card over and over and over. No one cares that it's women. Everyone would have been against the Channig Tatum one too. This is a weak cast with a terrible writer director who should have left it alone