Giant Lobster Monster

Literally everything both companies are saying is just buzzwords designed to get fanboys talking on social media. I’m old enough to remember the old bit based console wars when Nintendo fans we’re crowing about the N64 being “twice as powerful” as the PSX because it was a 64 bit console. It didn’t matter than and it

KZ2 was better than what that trailer showed off.

It’s really pretty but if this is the difference between 6 teraflops with 12 teraflops,

a Georgia prosecutor recommended the case go to a grand jury to decide whether to bring criminal charges.

and flower girl.
and Avalaaaanche!!!!

*wipes a tear*

And then there’s this.

They had the original music as an option on the Secret of Mana remake.

This remake keeps the originals and lets you switch between the remix and the original anytime in the options menu, so you’re good when it comes to your nostalgia. 

Saw it, can confirm. Especially that part where Aerith looks directly into the camera and tells you how to revive her in the original game - I kinda wish I had seen that in the context of the actual story.

I drive about 30k+ a year. Working at home would still mean having a car (I live in the burbs) but I certainly wouldn’t need to burn through one every 5 years or so.

- go to grocery store

Neutral: As of today I am unemployed, because the restaurant I’ve worked at for 25 years is closed thanks to the stupidest kid that ever walked the Earth. Apparently his mother wasn’t feeling well, and he offhandedly told one of his coworkers that she was being tested for Coronavirus, like it was no big deal. It never

I feel ya.

I don’t wish bad things for a single worker or anyone dependent on them, but it’s hard to watch all these companies that work only for the next quarter’s profit, and don’t care one whit for the long term impacts of their behavior, panic at not making money for 2 weeks, and to not experience a little bit of

Maybe unpopular opinion, but I like the original one more. Its busy yes, but its unique at least. I’d get rid of those fake vents and dull down the edginess of the bottom edges, but overall the design looks cool. 

Lets make it a top six and add Harley Davidson as a category all on its own. It is a Racism Nostalgia Industry just disguised as a motorcycle company.

Id definitely replace dealerships with airlines in the worst-of leaderboard.

No. Airlines don’t screw you. They offer a service, you can pay for it or not. Its extremely cheap too. Do they nickel and dime you with stuff and it’s annoying? Yes, but the ticket would just be more if they didn’t.
