
In fairness to NC (does NC deserve fairness?) it sounds like this was a planned act of civil disobedience, for which they expected to receive public sanctions. If the NC police handle cases of refusal to leave public property with arrest, which several states do when dealing with protestors, then they probably

I agree. This is going to be the legacy of John Lauber to most of the world. Presumably, John Lauber, while he did experience this, did many other things in his life. I'm sure all of us have bad experiences in our past, either as victimizer or victim - but we don't want to be defined by them in life, and don't want to

All they need is a couple of plates of salad.

I really think saying he is a sociopath is over the top. He's not torturing small animals or stuffing heads in his freezer. Come on. He's not a sociopath any more than someone who has an abortion is a babykiller. He's just a guy who believes in policies I (and I assume you and many other readers of this blog) believe

I get shades of James Potter out of this story because I'm such a Harry Potter nerd. I won't vote for him, and think he has some serious issues, and think what was described in this article is horrible. But I'd much rather not vote for him based on stance on issues today than whether he was a little shit when he was

It's excellent. Obama absolutely plays the long game.

Would love to know where - I checked Wikipedia and couldn't find one but the tables were complex and I'm at work. The only one I can find is that it failed in Arizona in 2006, but passed two years later.

Gay marriage has almost always unilaterally failed when put to a popular vote. Sometimes it's been close but when it's been on the ballot, I don't think a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage has ever failed. The majority is never going to act to protect the rights of the minority. It's been closer and

That's my thought.

There's so much backlash really because of the way this show has been publicized and framed as this truly revolutionary show that really speaks to the real lives of this generaiton, blah blah blah. And it's true, the show IS revolutionary in some ways but it's also entirely status quo in others, race being one of them.

Uh... Lena Dunham didn't say that. Lesley Arfin (a show writer) did. And I'm pretty sure she didn't run it by Lena (or, you know, anyone) because anyone who read it would have put the kibosh on it.

Agreed. A professional dental cleaning at the vet is $400+ - would much rather brush Fido's teeth / have the groomer do it and not need to have the dog be put under at the vet's for an exorbitant amount of money.

But she's going to have her friends call her Valerie right?

This story really deserves a bit (or at least passing reference) in an episode of "Girls".

I feel kind of awful but I agree - and I DO believe if the boy was older or not as (or at all) under the influence as she was it was rape without a doubt. Clearly, in any case, he was in the position of power. This reads to me like an older man and for me, that's unacceptable as she was not able to give consent in

I'm a little leery of do it yourself wax/waxing stencils, just because I think the best eyebrow waxes follow the natural line of your brow (ie, don't give you a shape totally unnatural to you but follow your own arch) and it's sort of a crapshoot that one of those stencils fit.

This is what my mother had to deal with — when my sister was young, she needed to take medication for an unrelated condition and one of the side effects was slowed metabolism. She was a very active kid - played a sport every season, etc etc - but was clinically obese. My mother felt like she got judgment from all

There were some comments made about Ravi's parents "probably owning a Dunkin Donuts" and things of that nature. Many slurs against South Asians are about owning 7-11s, gas stations, Dunkin Donuts, etc or talking funny.

I'm not white. I was talking to a friend who was honestly shocked to learn that my nipples were not (nor have they ever been) pink - they're dark brown, much darker than my brown skin. I can't even picture what they would look like if they *were* pink — but my friend was honestly shocked and said that she had always

Eh. I would say most people I know spend at least 10min under the UV drying lamps before leaving the salon with regular manicures.