
Farrah is half Middle Eastern, I believe.

Seriously. The cheapest kennel around me costs $35/night so over $200/week, and I'm only even eligible for that rate because my dog is less than 10lb and can fit in a stackable kennel.

She probably felt ashamed because it is drilled in in their training that they are supposed to be basically invisible - they are supposed to fetch and deliver balls, etc, but NOT take any focus away from the game at hand. Of course it isn't her fault but that gets drilled in so much as one of the core duties of the

I never knew that (maybe she didn't either) but thanks! That is good to know.

"Also, a small note, for those of us who do not tolerate such behavior in ourselves or others, we tend to not appreciate the word "frat." It denotes the exact racist, sexist asshole behavior most of us would like nothing better than have completely eliminated from the Greek system. There's a saying amongst us, "You

Maybe its like a (really really really really offensive) version of the penis game? Although most kids get over that by the end of middle school.

It seemed to me like a joke like "You guys were all telling us our first kiss was going to be so horrible up there in front of everyone, well, let's SHOW you how awful it's gonna be!"

Yup. The hardest thing for me is psyching myself up for it - I always had trouble actually getting myself to inflict that much pain on my poor, poor ladybusiness.

For what it's worth - see if you can find a pelvic floor center center in your area (you may have to travel). They are generally much better versed with issues of vaginal pain that don't have an obvious medical cause (ie, large cysts, etc).

It sounds great but... maybe this is a stupid worry — I would worry a lot about the sugar getting too close and you know... yeast infections! UTIs! Is that ridiculously unlikely?

For what its worth, my hair still itches as it grows back with waxing. I recommend a product called Bikini Zone.

How much is she, typically? I'm looking for a new salon in Boston.

They usually offer to show them to me (sometimes in a chiding "You've waited too long!") kind of way. It kind of grosses me out though. Maybe it wouldn't if my hair wasn't so thick?

Surprisingly, if they're using hard wax (which they SHOULD SHOULD SHOULD for Brazilians - seriously) it doesn't hurt. Most women don't have hair on their labia minora, and hard wax only adheres to hair, not skin. So if they do "miss", it doesn't hurt that bad to pull it off to be totally honest.

I used to wax myself. Now THAT takes courage (though if anyone's interested, I have product recommendations). Now I have slightly more disposable income, so I spring for the salon ones which aren't really any better, but are psychologically easier.

I don't get on all fours. I usually roll over and "hold things open" (ie, spread my cheeks apart) to make it easier for her which somehow looks more embarrassing when typed out than actually doing it.

Now playing

As much as I like this armadillo, my favorite is still the Holiday Armadillo, my (part Jewish) friend.

Agreed! PetsBest assured me they wouldn't raise rates for claims unless the claims were excessive. I haven't looked into TruPanion but I've been cautioned to avoid Banfield and VPI. Pet Insurance has been super helpful for me, as has CareCredit.

Ehh. If I took out my tampon then went to the sink for a couple minutes, I'd probably bleed - gravity. Not enough to soak through anything but enough that it would leave a stain. I don't have particularly heavy periods at all either - regular tampons changed every 4-6 hrs on heavy days, junior tampons on light days,

Some owners have staged "accidents" or have "lost" animals to collect early payouts on their pets' untimely deaths, while others have purposely injured their pets to mask preexisting injuries not covered under insurance policies.