
The burden of proof is lower because the consequences are smaller (expulsion versus prison).

I agree with you that there's no incentive to drive either the collegiate or criminal action forward (beyond just, you know, college officials being reasonable human beings who think rape is wrong and therefore want to do something about it). I think the only thing TO DO is to set severe penalties for colleges found

You don't lower the standards of proof just for sexual assault. Colleges use a burden of proof of "more likely than not" for most student offenses, whereas criminal courts use "beyond a reasonable doubt." So in general, it's easier to enact college disciplinary action than it is to set criminal penalties (as it should

I disagree. I think the student should drive the process. The student should absolutely be informed of ALL of his or her options and should not be pushed, one way or another, into any of them, but I think electing to pursue a criminal case, as opposed to an administrative judicial case, should be in the hands of the

I do think it's pretty silly. But I also think it might be a nice solution for busy couples (demanding jobs? small children? long distance relationship where you only see each other 1-2x per month?) who want to regularly schedule time together, but may not remember to/have time to if they were responsible for the

Battery will almost have to be the next game change advancement, IMO.

It told me 1200 cal/day. Honestly, if I ate that little I'd be ravenous. A good weight loss calorie count for me is ~1400 so I am not sure what that thing is thinking, to be honest.

For whatever it's worth, as a pro choice woman, I agree with your friend re: the odd clause of abortions should be illegal (except in cases of rape or incest). If you really believe a fetus is equivalent to an infant, then it really shouldn't matter whether you wanted to have the fetus, or whether the fetus was put

What side effects have you guys noticed with the IUD? One of my friends used it and gained about 20lb - I've been thinking about it but that has scared me off thus far.

She actually wears jeans and boots pretty often - several are pictured in the VF article. I agree she always looks more comfortable in them, though clearly she can hold her own in fashion.

I'm pretty sure Anastasia Krupnick of YA novel fame went to modeling camp. The only girl who succeeded from her modeling camp was an African American girl who got her head shaved.

I doubt they put him into it. My dachshund climbs into anything he possible can. He has climbed into sweaters, cardboard boxes, empty suitcases, etc. He constantly gets caught under things he's burrowed himself into.

It's called "common" sense for a reason, am I right?

Oh this exists.

Honestly, I think a lot of prescription food is crap (especially Science Diet) — check out [] for some good analyses of different foods out there.

I have my dog on a grain free food (Wellness CORE) and there are plenty of high end companies who make them. Additionally, older dogs often benefit from glucosamine supplements.

Move to Silicon Valley. It isn't a thing there, for sure.

Yeah, it is a huge pyramid scheme. Check out Most money is made through frontloading (ie, the salespeople "buy" inventory to sell, but many don't sell it and sales by the salespeople aren't tracked at all by the company).

"This doesn't just go for him, by the way—athletic scholarships should all go to hell, and their funding redirected to academic and need-based scholarships."

For what it's worth - I tutor for a well known test prep company. We meet with students outside of school (we aren't their teachers) but you need a college degree and work with sophomore and juniors in high school. One of the things mentioned in training is that "You can't go to prom with your students, don't forget!"