
I don't have a DivaCup, but my friends that do say they tend to only change them at home, when they can just take it out, "lean" from the toilet to the sink (ie, stay on the toilet), wash it out quickly and put it back in. I think its really not ideal for public bathrooms or anywhere where the toilet is far from the

The most heartbreaking part of the entire grand jury presentation, for me, was this part.

No that's my fault for being unclear!

This is where I see the true problem of university ecosystems including judicial systems being wholly separate from, you know, actual governmental judicial systems. Here's the thing:

I have a good and recent one. Usually I've pretty much mastered my period so that beyond the occasional leak, I'm okay. Recently, due to condom slippage, I had to take Plan B.

Do you guys remember that time they had to do a challenge during panel reading from a teleprompter giving a fashion report? And the women couldn't pronounce really standard fashion words like Christian Lacroix and Hermes and magenta.

But it's not just negligence. Sometimes it's just plain a lack of time at all. PLENTY of low-income people have to work graveyard or early morning shifts, and many need to leave for work before their children even get up. Many work several jobs just to pay their rent and STILL qualify for food assistance. For some,

And I have a father who had to have his knee surgery at a hospital, instead of an outpatient clinic, because his BMI was in the high twenties. I've also got an anesthesiologist uncle who was sued and lost his practice entirely when an obese patient died on the table and the licensing board ruled he never ought to have

No, they were telling her they couldn't put her under general anesthesia. GA is quite expensive - MANY women have abortions without it. It's not clear from this article whether the nurse presented her with other options: local anesthesia, conscious sedation, etc. I don't believe anyone was telling her to have a

Surgery prep at abortion centers is different from other settings. They tend to not have full med histories available on the patients and they're often many miles away when they're getting what info they can get. This doctor isn't in a position to just look the woman over and determine how reliable the BMI number is

Yes, but it's just a fact that different health conditions may or may not limit our health care options. An anesthesiologist might be perfectly willing to put a 25 year old under general anesthesia, but not a 95 year old, even if they were the same weight. An immuno-suppressed person might not be able to find a

While I certainly agree that the doctor performing the abortion shouldn't have repeatedly made an issue of her weight beyond possibly mentioning it once in relation to the particular medical treatment she was having (ie, the ultrasound may not tell us that much because of your weight, etc) and that an already

IMO, there's nothing wrong with how you're feeling. Even if you're desperately perfectly happy, there's always a little pang when the ex (or whatever) moves on, especially when moves on is Moves On and Gets Married. It sounds like you made the right decision at the time (especially because you weren't attracted to

I don't know about mark. Cosmetics in particular but I would be VERY wary of any business that requires you to invest your personal capital to sell their products. Most of them (stuff like Mary Kay, Vector Marketing, etc) are just glorified multilevel marketing schemes where the people on top make money selling

I'm with you. If they started presenting some cogent ideas, I'd be all for it. I want to like the idea but I want to hear some concrete action steps and vision before I'm really sold.


No experience with this but I hope your pup gets treated and gets well soon!

Maybe it's because I have a lot of friends in med school/starting residency so I see a LOT of "delivered a baby today!" "rough day - diagnosed someone with terminal cancer" etc but I think as long as there is no identifying information about the patient released (and doctors are pretty well trained on HIPAA) it's

Oh that would be interesting. His tastes run very close-to-home so it might be a nice nudge out of his comfort zone.
