

Good idea! I read it and liked it, and I actually think we had a conversation about it where he said he hadn't read it. Awesome!

Ooh! We've done Harpoon together, and we've both done Sam Adams separately, but we could definitely do Wachusett. Thanks!

We've done it! It was awesome but sadly, cannot use it as a present...

Thanks! Any recs in the Boston area?

I think we share literary interests in some ways - he really liked the book version of Moneyball, for example, and we probably intersect in that "nonfiction entertaining pop-statistics" realm (and then wildly diverge when it comes to fiction, haha). I will definitely look into that, thanks!

Oh good idea! I could definitely do an interesting craft brew (though he might think it was to serve my own purposes, since, well, his roommates drink nothing but Bud Light and he sees me turn up my nose every time I open his fridge...)

I'm sure he does but I am a baseball idiot (seriously not my sport... if we were talking football, though, bring it on) so I haven't got a clue. And pretty much anything Sox related, I think he already owns...

Ooh! A comedy show would be good! (and would do me the favor of securing a future date...)

Yeah he does but I can't think of anything all that interesting at a low price point. Any suggestions?

I want to do that but unfortunately, I won't be in town the actual weekend of his birthday (next week) and I hate IOUs or "next week we're gonna do X" as presents (since you know, it's always fun to have something to unwrap). Grr. Awkward holidays.

Def doing the card but I won't be around the actual weekend-of so I think I ought to do something tangible, unfortunately.

Advice from the hive mind? New boy I've been seeing but we haven't defined the relationship (pretty sure he isn't seeing anyone else though). Awkwardly, his birthday is coming up next week. I'm not sure what to get him but I know I need to get him something. We're beyond the point where a gift card would be acceptable

Just found out a good friend of mine's parent has cancer. Without being all me-me-me, my heart is splitting in two for her (she's currently living far from home/nowhere near me). Beyond assuring her that I am here for her, any time, day or night, I am at a loss for what else to say/do. Sigh.

I think Amy K. is very brave for sharing this story and it does a lot to bring light to the danger of crisis pregnancy centers. Telling her her mother would love to take care of the baby and her boyfriend would be a good father, when the woman hadn't met either of them? It's twisted.

I'm not a pit hater, but I would say there are plenty of valid reasons not to get a pit bull - especially if you don't own your home.

Well of course. I bet this guy at right gets adopted well before this one:

I have this theory about (straight, male) professional athletes (full disclosure: I occasionally have worked with national/professional level athletes in big money sports - baseball, football, hockey, etc - closely, and my opinions may be colored by those experiences):

You may be right, I'm not as familiar with the regulatory processes outside of the US/Europe/Australia/South America. However, our Japanese regulatory consultant suggested to us that once FDA approval was obtained, Japanese approval was a very quick process (but perhaps starting out in Japan and shepherding a device

I believe it's available in their summary statement - probably this one: