
I'll just point out that it's not the 510(k) process that's necessarily wrong here (though obviously, it has its problems). The standards for a Class III medical device are equivalent to a multiphase drug trial - aka, millions of dollars and many years before anything sees the marketplace. You'd be amazed by what is

There were no complaints on record during his tenure as an employee. They ran and he passed all standard background checks (most background checks do not look at juvenile crimes). The building was video monitored at all entrances and exits and secured via a key-card system that limited access to the building. Even his

I'm with you. Annie Le's death was a horrible tragedy but Yale took all reasonable security precautions. If they'd had complaints about him and swept them under the rug that would be one thing - but that's not what happened here. The guy's record was clean. They ran background checks on employees. They had video

There doesn't need to be any merit to bring a suit. Anyone can bring a suit against anyone else for anything. The judgment of the suit itself (as well as allowing it to stay in court/not having it thrown out by a judge) determines the merit. (If I had the resources) I could easily sue you, today, for unspecified

There's a dog outside barking like crazy and it's stressing me out. It's coming from the building next door. I knocked on the window but there was no answer. I'm afraid it's hurt or something when in reality, it's probably just bored and loud. Not sure if there's anything else I can do.

Oh I know, we are always using condoms. If he can feel it, is it just "oh interesting, weird thing down there" or "OUCH!"? I certainly wouldn't want to hurt him.

Thanks! Yeah I've been on/off BC for the past few years but spotting has never been a side effect for me. I'm wondering if the combo of plan B and a new BC just made my body go haywire. And good idea on checking out the Softcups website - it has a ton of info. Thanks!

Thanks! Yeah, doc said it was normal but to call her if it goes on longer than a month (a month of bleeding.... ugh. I should start taking iron pills.)

I have been aching to bake this for ages:

So, a few weeks ago I had to take Plan B (blech). It made me really nauseated for a day, but I lived. The next day I had a gyno appointment (unrelated, pre-scheduled regular checkup) and asked for a birth control prescription since obviously the Plan B thing is not ideal. She obliged and told me to start using it on

TMI ladybusiness question in the reply.

Can anyone explain to me why Education Connection always has some weird web address at the bottom? It never says like "", it's always something nuts like "" or "". Why?

While I am not (at all) on the anti-vaccine train, I'm not against relaxed or delayed vaccination protocols. It's what I do for my dog, after all. While MOST people react to vaccines well, there's always a possibility of an adverse event (not autism, which has been thoroughly debunked), and it's harder to pinpoint the

For those of you in Boston who haven't heard, they are suspending all MBTA service tomorrow.

I'm just hoping when it clears up, I can rope someone else into helping me. I can't carry my couch downstairs to the thrift store by myself. Blech. Oh well. At least I won't be sad to be inside packing while the weather is awesome outside.

What happened to the victims is truly horrible, and I feel deeply for them and for their families (and for the individuals whose deaths have occurred in the storm but have not yet been reported). However, I am not sure how "abstaining from sex" would show respect for them, unless by "abstain from sex" you mean "do not

I was just thinking that. I have wine and candles and there is not a man in sight. I guess a fully charged Kindle is an okay second choice.

This hurricane is fucking with my LIFE. My dad's flight to help me move was canceled. My friend can't drive her and help me disassemble furniture because it's not safe. So now I basically have to do this all ALL BY MYSELF. Grr.

Stanford student Jacob Boehm has gone missing in Malaysia. If you know anyone in Malaysia, please try and spread the word if you can. Received the following email from his parents:
