It’s interesting that their EIC didn’t sign with the rest of the staff. I would hope that they would have stood in solidarity with the staff in regards to an issue of editorial independence.
It’s interesting that their EIC didn’t sign with the rest of the staff. I would hope that they would have stood in solidarity with the staff in regards to an issue of editorial independence.
Add this to the list of games I can't play until I move to a place with stable internet.
Triple Click is great, and I’ll give you guys a listen. Bring on the dulcet tones of Fahey
While I recognize that you are a person, and that you are of value to someone. As someone who has close friends and family impacted by this, and am watching a place I love be destroyed. Kindly go behind your meth shed and FELLATE A FUCKING SHOTGUN.
Good lord, give it a rest.
Considering that the number of ads removed was 88, I would say that it was intentional.
The first time I ever ate mushrooms was at a persons house that had a pet raccoon. It was the best companion that night and even rode with us in the car to the lake to swim the next day. It only ever got verbal or aggressive if you got close to it’s food bowl. Ever since they have been one of my favorite critters. I…
Worst herbs ranked
I had to cheese that boss. When you drop into the arena hide behind the pillar directly to the left. Pop in and out of that spot as needed while shooting that asshole in the face.
They will have it patched by next year.
The intro to this immediately reminded me of Big Beast by Killer Mike.
One would hope that Dave Mustaine would have been a mini-boss. Shooting speedballs while perched atop the Train O Consequences.
This video, including the use of Sounds of Silence has been making the rounds for a bit. All they did was add the Dark Souls imagery. So parody of a parody. Maybe that’s how they can get away with it.
I know it will never happen, but can we get this Sam Kieth doing the art?