I mean I thought you were human, but apparently you’re an advocat.
I mean I thought you were human, but apparently you’re an advocat.
Yes Anna Melon, if that’s your real name, whatermelon you doing criticizing old white men for this? Honeydew you understand we white men are an oppressed class?
When Christian people talk about being persecuted for their faith this behavior is the problem. They are being called out for being racist, sexist, ageist assholes who don’t seem to follow any moral compass besides mean girls. Not for believing in JC.
The 3rd grade is approximately the education level of the people who would consider voting for him.
Trump also found time to tout his “good” relationships with women, and to tell Lauer, without explanation, that he’s considered calling in the military “to protect women and the country.”
I didn’t believe you until I saw your name said NextWeek in it! I’m sold!
What, no link to your newsletter? TAKE MY MONEY
Will I ever truly find love?
It really shows how much the average person can see into the future, i.e. Not at all.
Ellie, your affection for this man is the most adorable thing I’ve seen on Jez this week. I've enjoyed every sentence.
Kylie Jenner shit her pants. [Author’s note: This story is not as good as you think it’s going to be.]
I want a world where Justin Trudeau is the PM of Canada, Bernie Sanders is the President of the USA, and Jeremy Corbin is the PM of the UK.
Imagine how many trains they’d build.
i’m $55k in debt from library school
Quick, Congress! Do nothing!
I’m guessing the people taking this stand are also the ones who insist it’s mean not to be friends with your exes, even the shitty ones or the ones you have no real reason to talk to.
I just blocked my ex again from social media. I unblocked for a very specific reason that I needed to get in contact with him for. Was not calling because I changed my number. Was not emailing because I blocked him there too. We gave him the info he needed and in turn, he took the opportunity to eek out a shitty…
On September 19, in reaction to Congress’ vote to defund Planned Parenthood, Seattle-based activist Amelia Bonow…
Jesus Christ, yes. Fucking nobody gets educated about what hymens actually are.
Welcome to being a woman, where your every sexual move (or non-move) is scrutinized to the nth degree.