I think you’ll find this is not the platform for calling Anna’s writing a “piece of shit”. Why don’t you scoot on over to Fox News or Breitbart or god I don’t even know what crap conservatives read these days.
I think you’ll find this is not the platform for calling Anna’s writing a “piece of shit”. Why don’t you scoot on over to Fox News or Breitbart or god I don’t even know what crap conservatives read these days.
tell me about next week!!
who knows those things? Bernie Sanders.
agreed. warms my frozen black heart.
those eye brows. whoa.
lunchcoma stop being so reasonable all the time
I listened to an interview with Kim Gordon on NPR the other day and she does come off completely terribly. I have grudging respect for her though, like she just doesn’t G-A-F but I can support that. Thurston Moore on the other hand. Boo. Boo! Rubbish, filth, the queen of putrescence, etc!
yeah thanks all, I am aware of how the calendar works!
so. many. trains.
I love this man. Let’s hope it means Bernie will be our Prez this time next year.
Me too but more! yay library school
not to be a total art history snob, but Titian-haired usually refers to a strawberry blond, not brown.
truth lunchcoma. you have been bringing the truth alot lately.
agreed. it’s one thing if the relationship ended naturally or amicably. I deleted all memories of my ex on Facebook after our terrible, terrible breakup where he told me he still loved me but “we should both date other people, and then on the weekends, be with each other and tell those other people we’re busy”. He…
all the starssss to you my friend
I totally agree, this whole story has me spooked because I know dudes like that are everywhere, lurking behind the cute smile at my local coffeeshop...
no, you rail against them, rail rail against the dying of the light.
hahaha yes. I would love a blog that’s just live updates of people dropping them/their coffeeshop across various social mediums.
how can I tell the person running the Wordpress blog that I love them and to never stop? I’d like to use this forum to say that now thanks.
this is such, such, such a problem of our times (probably a problem before but now internet). but what other single lady out there thinks most men are like these dudes? I’m not alone I’m sure.