
This music is really bad and I can't see her as anything but Pennsatucky in a bad wig.

My whole attitude regarding Game of Thrones.

Take it from an old(ish) lady who was sexually and physically abused as a kid by family; and who was in a horribly abusive relationship for five years: you are *far* more likely to live happily and come to terms with whatever has happened to you (I don't mean by that that you should or will come to forgive or feel

Especially since the government is finally walking back the horrible eating fat makes you fat and eating cholesterol makes you have high cholesterol advice, because it turned out it had no basis in facts and was not supported by the data they had at the time they made the recommendations in the 70s.

Poor Beck. He is just doing what he loves (and doing it well) and now he has to deal with other people's hangups because he won an award over some other person. In a thousand years he won't have to deal with this crap!

I just posted this over on Gawker, but I think it got buried. But anyway, Kanye wasn't trying to be funny in regards to Beck winning over Beyonce. He was just on E! and he said, "Beck should have respected artistry and given his Grammy to Beyonce". It never fucking ends with him. And he obviously has no clue who Beck

I'm going to start counting the passage of time in sleeps. Like one might in zombie-ridden times.

Rick was never becoming a monster, he was becoming an ass-kicker.

Now playing

I liked this better than the fake names sketch. And I really liked the fake names sketch.

Gasp! Shut your mouth!!

Apart from children raised in a Scientology household (shudder), I really don't know how anyone is dumb enough to get suckered into a scam that is this transparently inane and phony.

My husband and I are still convinced that guitar never came back down again, BECAUSE PRINCE IS MAGIC.

Now playing

This is a good starting place- Seriously, watch til the end.

The problem here as with any ecosystem that is out of balance, is the lack of the clowns natural predator The Mime. We need to bring in some Mimes and reintroduce them to into the clown heavy areas. Once the natural balance is restored the clowns and mimes will only prey on one an other and the rest of us will be safe.

Yeah, fuck the police! That is, of course, until you need them.

I agree. I think that this doesn't bother me because it was included as a part of dance styles in general - she recognized that hip-hop is a legitimate dance style and gave it no more disdain than any of the other ones. And if the point was that she doesn't fit in there, then is she really appropriating?

Oh, and this video has quite a few POC in it. Like I said earlier I'm a POC myself so I think I always notice when pop music videos are all/99% white (almost all the time unless the artist isn't white) and this one has much more racial inclusion in ALL the styles of dancing. I'm the first to admit I'm a biased TSwift

No white dancers!

I'm all for pointing out cultural appropriation and calling out those who perpetrate it, but I fail to feel outrage over this video. I mean at least Taylor thinks that it's a dance equivalent to ballet and interpretive instead of going, "eww black girls shaking their asses, yuck". And if all the dancers were white,